The Guardians: Chapter 03

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"Haekyung, can you come here?" Mr. Shim called me. I nodded and went to him.

"This is your schedule for this year, please keep it or stick it on your dorm wall or anything. And, give it to all of them too please." He said as he handed me papers.

"Thank you." I bowed and started to giving my classmates one paper of schedule each.

Monday - Wednesday;
07:15am-08-15am > Breakfast
08:30am-10:00am > History
10:00am-10:30am > Break
10:30am-12:30am > PE
12:30pm-02:00pm > Lunch
02:00pm-04:00pm > Frost Lesson
04:45pm-05:30pm > Afternoon Tea
07:30pm-08:45pm > Dinner

07:15am-08:15am > Breakfast
08:30am-10:00am > Frost Lesson
10:00am-10:30am > Break
10:30am-12:30am > Frost Lesson
12:30pm-02:00pm > Lunch
04:45pm-05:30pm > Afternoon Tea
07:30pm-08:45pm > Dinner

07:15am-08:15am > Breakfast
08:30am-10:30am > ECA Club
10:30am-11:00am > Break
11:00am-12:30pm > Frost Group Discussion
12:30pm-02:00pm > Lunch
04:45pm-05:30pm > Afternoon Tea
07:30pm-08:45pm > Dinner
09:00pm-09:30pm > Activity

Wow, this seems to be interesting and fun. But what does Frost Group Discussion means? Does the other superpowers have their own superpower discussions too?

Wait, my schedule is less burdening though! I love it! I can see so many free time on my schedule. Omg..

So it's break now..

"Hey Haekyung? Your friends wanted to see you." Junghee told me. I turned my gaze to the door and saw my three friends waving their hands to me. I smiled and went out of the class.

"How was history lesson?" Yena asked.

"How'd you know it was history?" I asked, baffled.

"Silly! We have the same schedule, except the 'frost' one changed to our own superpowers." Juri told me.

"Ahh, got it! It was fine and fun, hehe." I smiled as I scratched the back of my head.

Then I saw the guy who I accidentally bumped to earlier. Why did he have to put his hands in his blazer pocket? He doesn't look that cool though. Geez, why so emotionless dude?

"Who are you looking at with that judgy face?" Yena frowned, she turned around and noticed that guy too.

"Oh, that guy." She simply said, completely not interested to him.

"I bet something happened between you two earlier, huh?" Eunjae smirked.

"Yeah! I didn't know he was behind me! It's not my fault! Then he said to use my eyes as if I haven't use them before." I rebuked and crossed both my arms together as I rolled my eyes, irritated.

They laughed.

"Oh come on! Don't mind him. He's a loner though. He's just a jerk, nothing else." Eunjae tapped my shoulder repeatedly while chuckling.

"He doesn't have any friends, he barely talks, he never smile, he likes being on the corner and he's just you know, full of dark aura. Just look at him.. Geez.. He basically wants to be invisible. That's what people told me but I think it's true." Juri told me.

"Well, that sounds so.."


"No. I mean, of course he wants to be invisible but.. We do still need friends.. Or at least a friend." I said, eyes not moving away from him who was looking outside the window.

"Wow, someone has never thought about him like that. People just thought they should avoid him, that's all." Yena said in disbelief.

"Ahh, let's not talk about him. We still have some time before break ends. Let's get some apple juice?" Eunjae offered, the three of us beamed as we agreed.

The Guardians | Jeon WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now