The Guardians: Chapter 18

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March 02, 2022,

I haven't seen Wonwoo today. He didn't even attend PE class. I'm so worried about him. There's no way that he's still unconscious, right? He should've woke up by now.

So here I am, going to our usual park in a hope I could meet him. There's so many things that I wanted to ask him, there's so many things that I wanted to hear from him.

"Why are you here." There he is.

I turned around.

"Are you alright?" I asked him. He didn't answer me but instead he gave me a bitter scoff.

"Why are you suddenly worried?"

"I already know everything. About why you're unable to use your power from Mr. Lim." I said, almost like whispering.

"So? You're gonna make that as advantage and let all the students know? So all of them could make fun of me?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No.. There's no way I would do that." I stared into his eyes.

"Let me help you." I offered sincerely, his eyebrow raised but then he snickered as he shook his head.

"Help me?" He chuckled bitterly.

That's when I heard a hissing sound. I looked around but saw nothing. The hissing sound didn't stop. It's making me more curious.

"Did you hear that?" I asked him.

"That's the sound of the black shadow." He answered me, sounding so uninterested.

"W-what? How'd you know?" I questioned, worried at the same time because I'm scared if the black shadow might pop out of nowhere and attack me.

"That's just how it sounds."

How could he be so calm when that thing is somewhere nearer?

"We should kill that thing." I told him.

"Yeah, you can go kill it by yourself." He then walked away.

I sighed in a frustrated way. I had no choice. I have to go alone. That's okay, I have a power. I can use my power to attack that black shadow for self defense, it's not that I'm using my power for violence.

Near the park, there was a forest just nearer. The more closer I got to the forest, the more louder and clearer the hissing sound is. I lightened my hand with my ice, getting ready to throw this ice to any creature that might come to my direction to attack me.

"You're really a fearless girl. Fearless but dumb. Don't you know that you're leading yourself to danger?" I turned around and it's Wonwoo.

"I better kill that thing before it gets to our school." I told him. I heard him groaned. Then suddenly he grabbed my arm, holding it firmly and made sure I was behind him. His sudden action startled me.

Dug dug dug dug

"I just don't want to witness another death." He stated.

As expected.

"But, you can't use your power." I frowned.

"If I ever use my power, help me get out of here before I completely pass out." He remarked, I made the disbelief face even though he can't see it because he's looking at the front.

It's getting darker since we're getting deep into the forest and that's when we both felt something running passing by us.

"What's that?" I asked whispering.

"Probably grim reaper getting ready to lead our souls to the afterlife." He answered, he sounded very serious. I seriously found it funny but he sounded so stern and serious so I don't have the feel to laugh.

The Guardians | Jeon WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now