The Guardians: Chapter 11

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January 17, 2022,

"Do you think that we'll run around the field for five laps again?" Junghee queried. I snorted as an answer.

"Urgh, please no. Can't we just do something else?" Aeri muttered with her shoulders dropped, her face looking so soulless.

"As for today, there will be an activity." Mr. Jo announced but nobody give reactions. The activity will be a tedious activity anyways, that's why no one cares.

"I want you guys to partner up, but! Not by your own choice. In this box, you will have to pick only one crumpled paper and the name written on it will be your partner." He explained.

"Saem, what about us?" One of the student in class 2-14 asked.

"In this box, it contains your names so that in every partner, one is from class 1-7 and one is from class 2-14." He replied, the boy nodded.

Our class lined up to take the crumpled paper. When it comes to my turn, I became nervous as heck. I took one and flattened the paper.

"Daesu?" I whispered to myself.

Oh! Daesu! That poor guy who got to be Wonwoo's partner at the other day! Where is he? Oh, it must be boring to be with him.. He seems like a nerd and is scared of girls..

I slowly walked to him but suddenly Jaeho came to me and tapped my shoulder.

"Haekyung, you wanna swap partner with me? Here's the name of my partner." He smiled as he handed me his paper, I beamed and nodded enthusiastically as I gave him my paper.

I flattened the paper.

And the world just crashed.

"YAH~!! JAEHO AH HOW DARE YOU~!!" I whimpered as I tried chasing him.

"Jaeho! Haekyung! Just go to your partners already!" Mr. Jo nagged.

Jaeho ran away meanwhile I lowered my head as I sighed, dropping my shoulders. Jaeho is.. Such a scumbag.

Why didn't I ask him first who his partner is? Urgh, this is going to be a bad activity.. Jaeho- you crazy idiot!!

I lifted my head and saw him standing there while staring at nothing, probably daydreaming. I can't approach him!!

Inhale.. Exhale..

I slowly went to him and stood beside him as if he wasn't there at all. Then I can feel that he turned his cold gaze on me. My right side face just got burnt because of the gaze he gave me.

"Now! I'm gonna explain about the activity." He announced.

"You all know how huge this school is, right? I've hid a lot of sticky notes with Jo written on it around the school area, except dormitory blocks so, I want you guys to find as many sticky notes as possible before 12:10pm since you guys have to come back here by that time. Group with the most sticky notes win!" He exclaimed excitedly, he got positive reactions soon after.


This is actually fun but with him? He ruined the fun ever since Jaeho swapped partners with me.

The Guardians | Jeon WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now