The Guardians: Chapter 15

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February 07, 2022,

"Saem, saem! I have a suggestion regarding today's activity!" One of the student from Wonwoo's class exclaimed with an arm raised. Everyone turned their gazes to him.

"Why don't we play the Mafia Game?" He smirked, everyone started to make noises showing how much they agreed and excited for it.

"Alright, everyone silent!" Mr. Jo shouted.

"Okay, today's activity will be Mafia Game even though it has nothing to do with sports." Mr. Jo agreed, everyone cheered and laughed because of it.

Finally, no energy needed.

"What's that? I've never heard of that game." I whispered to both Junghee and Aeri.

"Shhh, just listen to him explaining." Aeri whispered back.

"Since there's 60 of you here, divide yourselves into three groups. So every group have twenty members." Mr. Jo instructed.

They divided theirselves randomly.

"S-saem, what about Wonwoo? B-because we only have 19 members here." Daesu asked stammering, I can see how scared he is to actually ask because I clearly heard his voice cracked a bit. I turned to Wonwoo, his eyebrow raised the moment Daesu asked Mr. Jo that question.

"Alright, Wonwoo join this team." Mr. Jo told him. Suddenly, everyone went silent. I sighed in relief, lucky enough he's not in my group.

Every group took seats in circle.

Mr. Jo already chose all the mafias, doctors and police.

"Every group have three mafias, one police and one doctor. In every round, I will give you all five minutes to discuss before the night comes. Everyone clear with this game? Ask me if you still don't understand." Mr. Jo raised an arm.

"We all understand!!"

"Okay, the first round begins. You have five minutes to discuss or talk about whatever you guys wants before we eliminate one person from each team." Mr. Jo said.

My team is Team A and Wonwoo's team is Team B. I'm sitting and I can see him sitting facing to me. I felt uneasy because he keeps staring at me with that scary poker face.

"Might kill you instead."

How could he just said it like killing someone is like killing an ant? How could he be so heartless to say that?

I'm just a citizen.

"Time's up! The night has come. Everyone lower your heads and close your eyes." Everyone do as what Mr. Jo told us to do.

"Mafia, raise your head and choose your victim."

After so many rounds, in my team there's only seven people left with one mafia remaining. It's been so fun playing this mafia game. Wonwoo was eliminated at the first round. I'm sure that they agreed to eliminate him because they really don't want to play with Wonwoo.

I don't know.

At the same time I feel like he deserved that but at the same time I pity him.

He was sitting there with the others that was already eliminated. Watching the rest playing. I can feel his eyes eyeing me the whole time and it's making me uncomfortable.

"Could the mafia be Haekyung?" Sangho asked.

"You've been accusing a lot of people and all of your accusations are wrong. Isn't it obvious that you're the mafia?" I raised an eyebrow as I gave him an evil smirk.

The Guardians | Jeon WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now