The Guardians: Chapter 10

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That is the first time ever I saw him in the cafeteria ever since the first day I came here. He was sitting at the edge of the cafeteria, he looks like he is actually invisible, people acted like he wasn't there.

Look at how the way he stares at people.

It's like his mind are saying things like 'I'll kill this person next', 'This person hates me so much. Don't worry.. You'll no longer hates me once I cut your head off..'


Did he really said that in his mind?


And damn, we made an eye contact.

I quickly turned my face to Seungkwan and laughed.

"What happened next, Seungkwan? Hahaha." Damn it, this is so awkward.

"What is wrong with you? Jisoo hyung, read her mind." Soonyoung dictated Jisoo.

"Ah-ahh no! Don't! Please don't read my mind." I begged, the rest have this weird face expressions meanwhile Jisoo laughed.

"Mian, I accidentally read your mind." He gave me the peace sign while grinning innocently, I mentally facepalmed.

"What did she thought of?"

"Yeah, I wonder!"

"She thought about her history lesson." I blinked my eyes. That's not what I had in my mind, is he sure he can really read mind..?

I don't think so.

"Argh, no fun." Seokmin complained but then Seungcheol smacked the back of his head, the rest can't stop laughing.

Afternoon tea was pretty fun, those boys will never stop joking around. We girls decided to go for some walk around the school again.

"That was so awkward, haaaa~!!" Juri screamed as she keep slapping both her cheeks.

"Yo, yo! Calm down!" Eunjae hold both her shoulders firmly before she cupped her face.

"What happened?"

"Uhh, heheh.. Well.." She slowly let go of Eunjae's hands from cupping her face, soon she averted her gaze away.

"She's in love." Yena plainly said.

"Whaaat?! Aniyo!"

"She's denying it~"

"Seriously, what's it about?"

"Ahh.. I made an awkward eye contact with Minghao.." She stated with a sheepish smile. Look, she's blushing.

"Ohhhh~ Do you like him? Do you like him? Do you?! I'm sure you do!" Yena teased while wearing a sly smile.

"Eyy~ Our Juri and Haekyung both have crushes now.. What about us?" Eunjae smirked devilishly to Yena and nudged her lightly, the four of us bursts out into laughter.

"Wait, what? I don't have a crush!" I hollered.

"Welp, someone's denying. Who's Yucheol then?" Eunjae wriggled her eyebrows, I couldn't help but to laugh because of how hilarious she look.

These girls.

But honestly.. Yucheol is just a friend.

"Haekyung!" I heard someone shout-whispered my name. The girls doesn't seems to heard it.

"You girls go first, I'll catch up later." They agreed, until they're far from me, I tried to find where the voice came from.

"I'm here."

The Guardians | Jeon WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now