The Guardians: Chapter 05

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The lesson I've been waiting for since this early morning~ The frost lesson!

"We gotta hurry. We don't want Mr. Gong to get mad at us because we're late." Yucheol suddenly scooted next to me.

"Huh? Is Mr. Gong a strict teacher?" I asked.

I hate strict teachers..

"I don't know, but many said that he hate late comers." He countered. I nodded understandingly.

We arrived at a gym with Frost Gym written on the top of the wall. I guess this is where we'll try our powers eh? I wonder how to freeze a thing.

We stood up in six lines with five people in each line. Yeah, there's 30 of us in my class. Yucheol stood next to me.

"Ahh.. Okay. Welcome to the Frost Lesson! I'm Mr. Gong." He smiled. Welp, he doesn't look strict at all, I hope so..

"I see.. What the principal told me was true.." He mumbled while staring at me, that made me wonder what it actually is. Or, was it about me and principal? Nah.. Must be about something else.

"So, guys.. Can you all make a snowflake?" Mr. Gong raised an eyebrow.

"Huh? How can we make a snowflake?" One student queried in bafflement.

"Just do it."

I tried.

Nothing happened.

"You know, imagine it, desire it, control it and make it." He instructed. I closed my eyes and imagine of a snowflake, I tried to desire it but how do I control it?

"I MADE IT!" One of the boy shouted. The all of them tried and some could make it while some are still struggling.

"Almost there."

"Huh? You mean I almost make a snowflake?" I questioned. He nodded and gestured me to do it again.

Imagine it.. Desire it.. Control it! Control!! And make it!

And I opened my eyes.

"WOAHAHAHA! I MADE IT!!" I shouted briskly and keep jumping but less than five seconds the snowflake bursts making my jaw dropped. Mr. Gong chuckled as he shook his head while the rest laughed at me. Ugh.. That's embarrassing.



We heard them yelling. We turned to look how chaotic all of them are. Mr. Gong make fists as he clenched his teeth.

Junghee tried to make a snowman but it melted split second later, so she pouted. Aeri froze her shoes and couldn't unfreeze them so she started yelling.

"FROSTEES!!!" He bellowed, so damn loud that it made the all of us flinched. They all stopped what they're doing as they looked at Mr. Gong, petrified.


"LINE UP!" He shouted. All of them lined up.

What the heck happened?!

"What do you guys think ice is? A power you guys could use for fun? FOR FUN?!" He bellowed furiously, we all lowered our heads. It's not my fault but why am I feeling guilty, urgh. I should not be involved, Mr. Gong.

"I TOLD YOU GUYS TO MAKE ONLY A SNOWFLAKE. BUT WHAT ARE ALL THOSE?" He pointed the snowman, snowballs, frozen chair and many more.

"You guys know how dangerous it could be to misused your power. Ice is one of the most strongest power and you can't make it as a tool to play around." He upbraided sternly and sharply.

The Guardians | Jeon WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now