The Guardians: Chapter 17

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"What do you actually mean by that?" I asked him. We both are now at the usual park. I sat on the fountain while he sat on the bench just nearer.

"One day, the Demons will successfully steal the pearl away." He answered with his face that evidently shows how much uninterested he really is to talk about it.

I choked and punched my chest twice.

"Wait what?!" I blurted out. He gave me the annoyed look before he rolled his eyes.

"Then, if they know that it's gonna happen so why are they slacking off? They could've started the intense training much more earlier! Or they could hide the pearl!" I refuted angrily.

"You're mad at me?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Aniyo, sorry. I'm mad at the teachers and the principal, not you." I slapped my lips after that.

"But what did the principal mean when he said that he saw something that no one else can see in us?" I questioned, my face literally looks so clueless and nonplussed right now.

"He's basically saying that I'm the hero and you're the heroine." He plainly answered.

I seriously hate this guy.

He thinks it's funny?

I don't have time for his joke.

"Can't you explain to me properly? If you don't want to talk about it then tell me, I won't force you to explain anyways." I harrumphed indignantly.

"What a hassle.." He murmured.

"Listen, the pearl showed something to the principal. He saw what's gonna happen in the future. The Demons will steal the pearl one day and I don't really understand what he actually meant by seeing something in both of us. It's confusing to me too." He explained. I finally sigh.

"Last year, he called me to his office. But he told me a different thing. He told you that you'll lead the other guardians pretty well among with me, but that's not what he told me back then." Hearing that, my eyebrows furrowed.

"What did he told you then?"

"You're our hope." He told me.

We stared at each other for quite a while.

"Are you sure you're not lying?" I have this bored look.

We're having this staring battle.

"You're not lying then." I shrugged.

"Do you remember that you said 'it's you' after I went out from the principal's office?" I queried.

"So, it's you."

"Me?" I pointed myself.

"You met the principal just now."



"Just like you, the principal told me that I wouldn't be the hope without her." He told me.

Hm, I guess the principal really love messing with our minds.

Now, we both went silent. Of course, he'll never start a conversation with me while me, I'm running out of questions to ask. I've always have a lot of questions to ask him but now.. Not anymore. Should I just go? But how? What should I say?

Eh? Serious?

How is he the principal's hope? The principal must've mistaken him. Maybe he meant the other student? How is someone with a dark past is his hope? Wonwoo killed someone innocent, does that make him the principal's hope?

The Guardians | Jeon WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now