The Guardians: Chapter 19

543 50 19

March 03, 2022,

As what the principal told the other day, all the students will go through an intense training with our power and we did actually had an in intense training just now.

It requires a lot of physical and mental energy for the training. We needed to balance both physical and mental in order to completely perceive our power. In order to actually be able to completely control and handle our power.

I don't know how the other powers will do their intense training. But as for frost, there's this pitching machine that throws baseballs for nonstop so each of us take turns in turning them into ice before it completely hits us, each of us do it for five minutes straight.

It was very tiring.

We also have to run while at the same time turning the targeted object into ice.

Also, closing our eyes and Mr. Gong will throw ice to us so we have to feel where might the ice be coming from and crash it before it hits us.

It was very exhausting.

It may sounded like it requires more physical energy. But honestly it requires more mental energy. We have to focus on what we're doing, we should never lose our focus. It requires a lot of thinking too. My brain is somehow exhausted.

I need a rest.

Now I'm on my way to the canteen. I bought bubble tea and is now on my way to my class but stopped when I saw Wonwoo standing on the school's rooftop, staring at the forest.

I quickly went to the rooftop, he noticed someone came so he turned around and saw me. I heard him sigh.

"I'm so sorry about what happened yesterday." I feebly apologized. He didn't react at all, just with a poker face.

A poker face with a meaning behind it.

A poker face that hides a lot of emotions behind it.

"Your hands?" He asked me, why does he sounded so cold right now. Welp, he's always cold to me. And yeah, he's mad at me so of course and I deserves it anyways.

"Jeonghan healed me last night." I answered.

"Here." I handed him my bubble tea that I had already drink half of it. One of his eyebrow raised as he stared at the bubble tea, I don't know if he's disgusted or hesitating. I can't differentiate those two.

"You don't like sharing?" I questioned.

He suddenly grabbed the bubble tea.

"I'm really sorry for what happened yesterday. I was stubborn, I was selfish. Not was but still is." I whispered the last part but I have no doubt that he heard it clearly.

"But.. Usually you passed out after around ten seconds but I think last night was slightly different. It took a bit more longer for you to actually passed out." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Any conclusion?" He asked me.

"H-huh? I-I don't know. Maybe slowly you're overcoming your trauma or something." I answered though I wasn't sure about it at all. But that's what I've been thinking ever since.

"The conclusion is that I'm still weak and useless." He corrected me, plainly and drily.

"Yah.. No one is useless.." I mumbled.

He didn't say anything. He's just staring at the forest again. That face of him.. Those emotions that he's hiding behind that scary poker face.

I sighed and went to stand up infront of him. He turned his gaze to me while staring at me showing how uninterested he really is.

The Guardians | Jeon WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now