The Guardians: Chapter 13

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February 01, 2022,

Three minutes more then history lesson will be over.

"Saem, I'm still curious about Jung Manseok. How could he got two powers at the same time?" Dongho asked out of curiosity.

"Yeah saem, tell us!"

"I don't live millennium years ago. That's what've been told. Nobody knows how and why he got two powers. Flame and water, the exact opposite nevertheless." Mr. Shim shrugged at the end of his sentence.

"I know right.. If he is flame, how is he also water?" Aeri frowned.

"Is there anyone else with two superpowers?" I asked while raising my arm. Everyone agreed with my question. Mr. Shim shook his head as an answer.

"It is very impossible for people to have two superpowers at the same time. Maybe it's what've been written on fate that Jung Manseok got two superpowers, he is also the one who found Chogangdaeguk, maybe that's the reason." Mr. Shim shrugged at the end of his answer.

Hm, that makes sense.

Ring~ Ring~ Ring~

"Welp, history lesson is over now. See you guys tomorrow." Mr. Shim waved his hand before he walked out of the class.

I'm so hungry, I decided to go to the canteen to get myself a bubble tea. We have PE after this so I'm sure I'll need some energy for later since Mr. Jo won't just let me take a seat. I'm not a sport person, why can't he understand that?

There's no such thing as 'sport' being registered in my body.

"Yah, Haekyung! Why did you left us?!" I turned around and it was Junghee and Aeri.

"Sorry girls, I was just so hungry." I gave them a sheepish smile.

We got ourselves snacks and bubble teas.

"Can't believe it's already February now. January was so fun, can't wait for more fun in February." Junghee chuckled.

"Wait, it's February already?" Aeri raised an eyebrow, Junghee nodded as an answer.

"Wow, time sure flies so fast." Aeri shook her head.

"Yah, Haekyung. You're close with Yucheol, can you ask him if he have any crush by now?" Junghee smirked as she nudged me playfully.

"Why? You like him?"

The two looked at each other before laughing.

"That day.. Somewhere in mid January, Yucheol gave her bubble tea and since then Junghee have been crushing on him. Besides, you two are close, please ask him." Aeri remarked, my eyes widened.

"Woah~ That's cute." I chuckled.

"Don't you have any crush?" Junghee raised an eyebrow.

The only person who came to my mind is,

Yoon Jeonghan.

I smiled as I thought of him. But my smile faded away when Jeon Wonwoo came to my mind.

"Jerk." I murmured with a disgusted face. The two stared at me in bafflement so I quickly laugh as I scratched the back of my head.

"Hahahaha! I'm not sure.."

"You're weird."


PE was so boring. As what Jeonghan told me, I avoided Jeon Wonwoo. Maybe I should've trust them since the beginning that Wonwoo is that one guy we should avoid. Besides, he only talked to me, I've never seen him talking to anyone else.

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