The Guardians: Chapter 25

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April 15, 2022,

It's lunchtime now and as always we're with the boys eating our lunch together. We couldn't stop laughing since Soonyoung, Seokmin and Seungkwan are fighting with each other.

"Yah! I have air for your information! I can just blow you away-"

That's when suddenly the emergency alarm rings.


Everyone are panicking and ran to the Main Hall.

"What's happening?!"

"I don't know!"

When we got to the Main Hall, we realised that all the students are here, the principal, the teachers, the cleaners and even the wardens.

"Don't worry everyone, as long as we're here, we're safe." The principal stated, trying to calm everyone that's panicking and are scared right now.

"Do you think that we'll die? The demons will kill us! They got into our school and the principal said that we're safe here?!" I heard a girl shouted.

That's when something hits my head.

"Is everyone here?" The principal asked.

I looked around and found Mr. Lim. I ran to him.

"Mr. Lim! Where is Wonwoo?" I asked, anxious.

"I don't know, I couldn't find him." Mr. Lim put his hands on his waist as he sigh.

Damn it! Wonwoo can never ever go to the rooftop! What if what happens in my dreams are exactly what's gonna happen in a few more minutes?! I need to find Wonwoo and bring him here at any cost!

That's when I feel like there's something wrong inside me. It's unexplainable but it feels like there's something missing inside me.

"They got the pearl." I heard Mr. Lim murmured, my eyes widened.

I decided to go out from the main hall but stopped when a hand grabbed my arm, pulling me away.

"Haekyung, are you crazy?! You can't get out it's dangerous!" Seungcheol scolded me.

"Seungcheol, I need to bring Wonwoo here! He's still out there!" I yelled.

"No, Haekyung. You're not going out." Seungcheol dragged me away.

"DON'T BE SELFISH!" I bellowed sharply, everyone suddenly went silent as they nailed all their eyes to the both of us.

"Someone is still out there and you're just gonna let him die?! Imagine you're in the same situation as that person, hoping for someone to come and rescue you but actually no one cares about you at all!" I couldn't take it anymore. I know that they hates him, but this is too much. Letting him die out there when there's still a chance for us to safe him and get him here?


"The teachers will get him! It's his fault for not going here when he clearly heard the emergency alarm!" Jeonghan piped in, he looks so angry right now.

"Why do you guys hates Wonwoo so much? You don't even know the true story! All of you are just believing lies! Wake up, everyone!" This is honestly making me enraged and pissing me off.

"But still, it's not safe out there. The demons will-"

"What's the use of attending this school? To learn how to use and control our power. Why? Because we're here to make sure the pearl are safe! We're here to fight the demons! If we're just gonna stay here, are we just gonna let the demons steal the pearl and we'll just get weaker and die slowly? Is that what all of you want?!" I carped drily, everyone went silent.

The Guardians | Jeon WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now