The Guardians: Chapter 07

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January 08, 2022,

"After this, let's hangout anywhere! Somehow, staying at school and the dormitory for the whole week was so tedious." Juri muttered.

"I know right! Why don't we bring Haekyung to our favourite places?" Yena chuckled, awkward. The two agreed in excitement.

"Anyway, we have to finish this first." Eunjae said.

After we finished eating our breakfast, the girls changed to their outfits but since I don't have any, Yena lend me a black denim mini skirt and a red sweatshirt which I tucked into the skirt.

"Where are we going today?" Yena asked as she slung her arm around Eunjae's.

"I recommend we go to the theme park, sounds good?" Eunjae smirked, the two screamed in excitement while I chuckled.

We went out from school and again, just as soon as I stepped out of school, I saw people using their powers everywhere and it seems fun. My eyes started sparkling the moment I see them.

"Do you know? You're free to use your power as long as you're outside school." Juri remarked while smiling.

"Jinjja? So, I can use my power now?"

"Yup! But too bad, I don't really know how to talk to animals and plants yet. I heard what they said but sometimes I couldn't understand them and whenever I talk to them, they don't understand me as well." Juri muttered while cupping her face.

"You're not alone. I tried making a water drop float on the air when I was in the toilet just now but a rain came instead." Yena said with her annoyed monotone voice, her shoulders dropped.

"You guys are better than me. I'm still stuck with struggling to make a snowflake for the whole week! Mr. Gong somehow got fed up with me, hehe.." I scratched the back of my head as I blushed, this is quite embarrassing to tell..

"Was it hard?"

"It is! But Mr. Gong said it as if it's easy.." I said plainly.

"Hah.. You guys can still use powers. Me? I couldn't even use my power.." Eunjae murmured somberly.

"Huh? Why was that, Eunjae?" We queried.

"Well, precognition is not a joke. I can't use my power like you guys who wants to try doing this and that for fun or anything. If I misused my power, it could lead to a brain problem, I might be in a coma or what's worse, I might become amnesia." She averred feebly, our eyes enlarged as we went speechless.

Poor Eunjae.. She must've envied those who can use their power with their hands. I mean, sure precognition is an awesome power where we can see the future, but I didn't know that it is also a dangerous power..

"Can't you see any future as for now?" Yena questioned curiously.

"I do.. But the longest scene I could ever see was probably no longer than three seconds. Our teacher told us that we're supposed to see the scene at least for ten seconds even if we're just a beginner. But that don't really happened to me, but my other precognition mates does can see the scene for ten seconds.." She pointed out solemnly.

"I couldn't see anything that will happen next week, next month or even next year. I can only see things that will happen in less than 24 hours from now." She elaborated.

"What did you saw?" Juri asked.

"I just saw us having fun with the boys." She replied soullessly. For sure, Eunjae's good mood just faded away and now she's in a gloomy mood.

"The boys?" We frowned.

"Hey girls! Come join us!" Wow, that was unexpected.


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