The Guardians: Last Chapter

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"Wonwoo.." I said under my breath before crying even more. I closed both my eyes and cried as loud as I can. My tears haven't stop falling the moment Wonwoo entered the black hole, I just couldn't stop it.

I'm so perturbed about him.

By now, all of us are having a hard time breathing, as if we're suffering from asthma. Our powers are completely gone. That means, Wonwoo is also experiencing the same thing too right now.

"It's g-gone." I heard Seungcheol mumbled.

I lifted my head and my eyes widened seeing the black hole had completely disappeared. I shook my head and run towards the forest.

"No.. No! NO~!! Wonwoo, you promise me that you will return!!!!!" I cried on top of my lungs, I stumbled and fell down to the ground.

"ARGHHHH!!!" I'm hopelessly crying again.

"Haekyung ah, we shouldn't be moving too much! We are weak now!" Yena came to me and hold both my shoulders. I shook my head and smiled.

"He will come back. That's his promise." I smiled trying to convince myself but failed and started to cry again hopelessly.

I'm so sorry, Jeon Wonwoo. You've helped me a lot but I never do the same in return. I'm so sorry, I knew what's gonna happen, I should've just let them all fight while I go to the rooftop to stop you and save you. I thought my ideas are gonna work, but I failed. I failed to save the pearl and get you to the main hall.

I should've just stopped you from going there..

That's when the principal, the teachers and the other students came to the scene, everyone looks so pale, weak, dejected and most importantly, disappointed. Some are even crying.

I disappointed everyone.

This is all my fault.

"I saw it, Haekyung. Wonwoo will come back." Eunjae used her power to see the future. Her statement relieved me so much. At least knowing that Wonwoo will eventually return, I feel a little bit at ease.

"W-Wonwoo!" I heard Minghao shouted.

I lifted my head and saw Wonwoo walking out of the forest, he looks so weak, he got a lot of bruises and wounds, his nose and lips are bleeding, he got a few purple marks on his face.

And he's holding the pearl.

Everyone are cheering happily for Wonwoo because he successfully returned along with the pearl which means, everyone are safe now. The pearl are back, we will no longer be weak, we're not going to die, the gemstones will glow again.

"Wonwoo!" I cried and run to him but before I could even reach him, he passed out.


The principal took the pearl and bring it back to where it was originally located. After that, we all could feel the powers in us again, we're no longer weak. We're back to normal now.

Wonwoo are still unconscious. We're all now at the medic room surrounding Wonwoo who's laying on the bed. The girls are comforting me by giving me hugs and wiping my tears away, saying that Wonwoo will be fine.

"Haekyung ah." Seungcheol called me.

"We're very sorry for everything, we're very sorry towards Wonwoo too. I'm sorry for always telling you to stay away from him when I didn't even know the truth behind everything. We're blinded by the rumors." Seungcheol sincerely professed to me.

"I'm sorry too, it must've been hard for him. We're all giving him a hard time, we're the reasons behind all those hardships he went through." Jeonghan added.

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