The Guardians: Chapter 21

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"What do you mean, Wonwoo?" I asked him, confounded. We both are now at our usual park. We both are sitting on the bench together.

"Kim Hyera. That's her name." He uttered. I saw his expression saddened afterwards. Even without him explaining who she is, I can already tell that Kim Hyera was that girl.

"Everytime I use my power.. It's like she's there watching me, making me suffer.. The scene where I witnessed her death will keep playing in my mind whenever I use my power. It's like a curse. This trauma is eating me." He clarified as he put his palm on his chest.

"It sounds crazy, right? Why would you see someone that's already dead when you use your power?" He ended up chuckling bitterly, I stayed silent as I watched him. My hand reached his shoulder so I patted his shoulder lightly.

He stared at me.

"I don't know. I don't know how to overcome this trauma. I don't know how to stop thinking she was there when she wasn't." I can see the tears in his eyes that's waiting for a few seconds to fall down his cheeks.

"I know it's just me hallucinating or being delusional but I somehow couldn't stop thinking it was real that she's there standing to watch me use my power." He bluntly added.

"It's okay to cry." I smiled to him, but the weak one.

"No.." He shook his head and smiled afterwards.

I really feel bad for him.

"It must've been hard for you. Going through everything alone." I gave him a sidehug as I leaned my head on his shoulder. He didn't say anything, he's being quiet. I don't know how to comfort him. I seriously had no idea what should I say to him.

I can't say 'it's okay, I feel you..' because I've never been put in his situation. I don't exactly know what he's feeling, the only thing I could do is to comfort him.

"I really wanted to help you." I cooed.

"I don't know how you could help me. I've been thinking about any possible way you could help me since the day you've been offering to help. But I just couldn't think of anything." He feebly remarked making me to heave a sigh.

When I realised I've been side hugging him for too long, I decided to break the hug when he stopped me by slightly pushing my head back to his shoulder.

"Stay still." He said.

Dug dug dug dug

What is this Jeon Wonwoo?

My feelings..

"Maybe I couldn't help you, but at least I would always be there whenever you needed someone." I smiled even though I know he couldn't see it anyway.

"Thank you, Haekyung." His voice sounded so soft just now, it makes me melt.

"That's the first time you said my name." I chuckled as I broke the hug to look at his face.

"I told you to stay still." He muttered.

"Yah, I'm sleepy you know. And it's so comfortable to lean on your shoulder while hugging your body, I might fall asleep anytime soon if I keep staying still." I murmured before rolling my eyes.

"Alright, you should go to sleep. Go to your dorm now." He stood up. He grabbed both my arms and helped me to stand up. I blushed soon after.


March 07, 2022,

I've been excited since early in the morning waiting for PE class and finally,

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