The Guardians: Chapter 14

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"Oh, Mr. Lim." Mr. Shim said as soon as someone came in. Oh so, that teacher who's always with Wonwoo is Mr. Lim. Mr. Lim's face is evidently showing how worried he is.

"I think he overused his power." Mr. Shim told him. Mr. Lim nodded as he stared at the unconscious Wonwoo. Overused his power? Aren't we're told not to use our powers unless it's lesson time? As expected of Jeon Wonwoo, he does look like that one kid who rebels the school rules.

Wait.. Is that why Wonwoo's weak? Because from what I know is that it's dangerous to misused our powers..

Hah, Jeon Wonwoo, look at what you are doing to yourself.

That's when Mr. Lim turned his gaze to me, confusion was written all over his face to see me standing right beside Mr. Shim. Maybe I wasn't supposed to be here?

"Why are you here?" He asked me. I knew it, I wasn't supposed to be here.

That gives me the uninvited guest vibe.


"She's the one who found Wonwoo unconscious." Mr. Shim stated.

That's when Wonwoo suddenly sat down on his bed. We stared at each other, my eyes are wide opened the moment I saw him conscious but he, he's just staring at me with a poker face.

Fyi, I'm the one who brought you here? Do you know how heavy you are? I struggled to bring you here. Note that the park are so far from the medic room. My hands and shoulders are hurting. I didn't know you would be so heavy considering how skinny you are.

"Wonwoo, how are you feeling?" Mr. Lim asked, concerned. Suddenly, Wonwoo pressed his chest as he winced. I don't know what to react. I'm worried at the same time curious here.

"I have important matters to talk with Mr. Shim and Wonwoo here." Mr. Lim averred as he stared at me, I know he's telling me to get out, tch. I nodded and bowed before walking out from the medic room.

Too bad. I wish I could just stay to hear what they're talking about.

I went straight to my dorm, the girls are all doing their works. They looked at me the moment I sat on my bed.

"Where have you been?" Eunjae asked me.

"I met Jeonghan during my way back here so we spent a bit of time talking." I lied.

"Girls." I suddenly called them.


"Yes, Haekyung?"

"What happened if someone overused their power?" I questioned, I am so curious about Wonwoo.

"Overused? Well.. There's no such thing as overused.. People practices with their powers so of course they'll overuse, do you mean by that?" Eunjae raised an eyebrow to me. Hmm, that's not the answer that I wanted. It doesn't feed my curiosity.

"Oh, okay." I nodded.

"Why?" Yena queried.

"I'm just suddenly curious." I shrugged.

"Hurry and go to shower~!!" Juri grabbed my arm, I laughed because of her behaviour.

"Alright, alright."


February 02, 2022,

I'm currently on my way to the library. I hope I'll find Wonwoo at the library. I will ask him all the questions I've been curious about. If he refuse to answer, I can just use my power and freeze his hands since I've learn how to freeze things. So that he couldn't use his hands.

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