The Guardians: Chapter 24

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April 01, 2022,

"Everyone try to hang in there! We can do it!" I yelled to all of them.

The demons just won't stop using their powers and forces to us so we have to fight back, we need to safe the pearl, we need to take it back before the demons got away with it or else it'll be impossible for us to take it back!

Besides, we're getting weaker and weaker.

That's why I told them to hang in there.

We could win.

When we're all using our powers, suddenly all of our powers got merged together, all the fire, water, sand, ice, plants, stones, thunder and even hurricane got into a one huge circle, all of our eyes widened witnessing that.

All of our merged powers started to attack all the demons one by one.

We are looking for who was the reason behind that, merging all our powers into one.

"Wonwoo!" Juri shouted as she pointed her finger to somewhere.

We all turned around and saw him standing at the edge of the rooftop, controlling his power. He looks so weak and he will surely pass out anytime soon! My eyes widened as I gasped loudly.

And there, he passed out and fell from the rooftop.

"WONWOO!!!!!" I cried and started to run in a hope I could catch him right on time.

Mingyu used his power speed and dashed to the spot where he predicted Wonwoo will fall and just right on time, he caught Wonwoo with both his arms. I sighed in relief as I fell on both my knees, I am suddenly weak after watching that.

"Haekyung, wake up!" Yena shouted as she hit my body with a pillow. I groaned and stretched my body while yawning.

It was just a dream.

"Get ready for school, you sleepyhead." She scolded me.

After taking a shower and wearing my school uniform the four of us went to the cafeteria to eat our breakfast.

I'm still thinking about my dream. What if that dream is gonna happen in the future? I need to ask Eunjae.

"Eunjae ah." I called her.


"Did you see anything bad are gonna happen in the future?" I asked her as I tilted my head to the side slightly.

"Like what?"

"Like.. The demons?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Hmm, no." She smiled.

"Why did you asked, Haekyung?" Yena questioned.

"I just had a dream about it. Maybe it's just a bad dream, nevermind." I smiled to them and continued eating.


I can't stop thinking about that dream. What if it's a future dream? It happened to me before.. I dreamed of a black shadow striking our school and few days later it really did happened. What if.. What if this time this dream will happen too in a few more days?

I'm so scared.

It doesn't matter if it's gonna happen in the future or not, what I need to do is to avoid Wonwoo from going to the rooftop on the day the demons strikes our school.

It's lunch time but I skipped lunch and went to the rooftop instead, I sat at the edge of the rooftop right at where Wonwoo was standing in my dream while staring at nothing. I'm just spacing out.

The Guardians | Jeon WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now