The Guardians 2: Chapter 01

423 33 22

February 07, 2023,

"Now, moving on to page 241." Mr. Shim said, now we're learning history. When I was just flipping the pages to go to page 241, I stopped when a picture from page 237 caught my attention. I didn't care what Mr. Shim are explaining right now as I stared attentively to the picture.

It's a picture of a creature that looked like a dinosaur but with long and sharp spikes on top of its body. It definitely looks so monstrous, poisonous and even eerie.. I wonder what creature this even is? Why is it in the History's book? Does it have to do with Chogangdaeguk's history?


What does that supposed to mean?

"Pay attention." Aeri whispered to me as she nudged me.

I shook my head and flipped the pages to page 241 and paid all of my attention to Mr. Shim. My attention might be on Mr. Shim but my mind isn't focusing on Mr. Shim.

"Any questions?" Mr. Shim raised an eyebrow, scanning all of us.


"Alright, I think that shall be all for today. See you all tomorrow, class dismissed." Mr. Shim smiled before he walked out of the class.

I went out and headed to the canteen because I know my friends are gonna be there.

"There she is!" Hansol pointed his finger to me. I went to them and took a seat beside Wonwoo, of course.

Oh, how's life been? It's been just fine moreover I have Wonwoo and my other friends.

All 17 of us grew fond of each other. Our chemistry are no joke. Our kind of friendships are the best. We are too close with each other, nothing could ever break our friendships. They are literally more than just friends, they are my family!

Words are never enough to describe how grateful I am to have all of them in my life, to have them as my friends.

All the other students looked up onto us, they made us as their role models and even respects us ever since.

Now, I'm in my second year. I did very well during my first year despite of the things that happened during that year. It was a crazy, epic yet an indelible year for me. I'd say, last year was totally a best year. Like, I got to help Wonwoo, I got to help him reveal the truth, we both got to prove the principal that what he predicted about us were right and that me and my friends got entitled as The Guardians.

And as for this year, I'm gonna do very well too.

Now, let's talk about the couples.

Juri and Minghao. Obviously the cute yet cool couple. Can I just say how much of cute they are together? Minghao being a jealous boyfriend is so cute and it's good that Juri could handle Minghao very well. Not only they are cute, they're also a perfect match!

Next, Eunjae and Soonyoung. Soonyoung is like the silly, funny and kiddo type of boyfriend who jokes around all the time meanwhile Eunjae is like the matured type of girl. The two are the exact opposites but I think that's why they're attracted to each other.

Now, we got both Yena and Mingyu who isn't a couple yet but acted like one. The two are being suspicious but kept denying. Honestly, the two will be so great together. I really ship the two so hard even though they aren't even official yet.

Me and Wonwoo? Hm, they said that we're like the cool couple because unlike Minghao, Wonwoo aren't really the jealous type and unlike Soonyoung, Wonwoo aren't really the silly type and also unlike Mingyu, Wonwoo aren't goofy.

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