The Guardians: Chapter 16

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February 23, 2022,

"Aeri ah, what does a house wear?" Junghee asked. The three of us went to the canteen earlier to get some snacks and drinks and now we're on our way to our class. Just few more classes then we'll be reaching our class.

"Huh? That's so not you asking me such question. Is that gonna be a joke?" Aeri raised an eyebrow.

"Ppali answer."



"Uhh, no idea."

"Of course, address." Junghee tried so hard not to laugh. I blinked my eyes and the three of us ended up laughing so hard.


Suddenly everyone started to scream and shout.

The three of us turned around because we're wondering why all of them are suddenly shouting and screaming as if they just saw a ghost or something. That's when we saw a black shadow coming towards our direction.

"AHHHH??!!!!" The three of us bent our knees and covered our faces.

The black shadow was so fast! Like a lightning!

"What was that?!"

"EVERYONE GO INSIDE YOUR CLASS RIGHT NOW!!" There we saw the principal and few other teachers. We couldn't think of anything else but to rush to our own classes.

"Did you saw?! What's that thing?!" Junghee asked loudly.

"Are you all okay?" Yucheol quetioned, worried.

"Haekyung, wake up! Wake up!!" Juri shook my body.

I opened my eyes.

It's just a dream.

"You don't usually wake up late. Come on, take a shower now. We'll wait for you." Juri smiled.

I grabbed my towel and took a shower. I couldn't stop thinking about my dream just now. I know it's just a bad dream but I have a bad feeling about it.

After I finished with everything, the four of us headed to the cafeteria for our breakfast.

"I don't know if I'm still not fully able to control my power or what but lately I've been seeing black shadows in the future." Eunjae suddenly told us.


Black shadow?

"What do you mean, Eunjae?" Yena questioned, confused.

"I don't know, maybe just some wrong precognition or something." She shrugged.

"What did you exactly saw?" I asked her.

"Just a black shadow running here and there." She answered it like it wasn't even a big deal. But then again, I don't know if this black shadow is a big deal or not.


It's now frost lesson. Everyone are enjoying this lesson meanwhile I've been thinking of something the whole time. Yes, I'm thinking about my dream.

The black shadow..

What's that?

"Haekyung, try it." Mr. Gong offered me.

"H-huh?" I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Yah! Were you daydreaming?! How could you not focus during my lesson?!" Mr. Gong nagged, I lowered my head and mumbled an apology to him.

He took a deep breath.

"It's okay, I'll let you slide this time because I know how good you are with your power. But, next time I want you to focus during my lesson or else I'll hit you with this wooden ruler." Mr. Gong warned me sternly.

The Guardians | Jeon WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now