The Guardians: Chapter 02

825 58 17

December 30, 2021

"Wake up girls~" Juri said, I can also say shout but it wasn't that loud. She tied the curtain so that was when the sun rays hit our faces.

Well, I think I'm not dreaming.

"We should get ready for breakfast." She added.

"Oh, Haekyung, later we'll get you your stuffs, okay?" Yena raised an eyebrow.

"Thanks, Yena." I smiled.

"Here, you can use my clothes first." Juri handed me a plain grey knee length shirt dress.

"This dress is our dormitory outfit, we're not allowed to wear other clothes other than what the school provided for us." She added.

After I finished, we waited for Eunjae's turn to take shower and get dressed.

"We have rules to be honest. Like breakfast, we should have breakfast between 07:15am until 08:15am, other than that, we're not allowed to eat breakfast." Yena stated, I nodded understandingly.

"Alright, let's go!"

The four of us headed to the cafeteria.

"And then he hit his face! I can't believe what I just saw! They're ridiculously funny!"

"I know right! What a gag trio."

Hehe.. I don't know what they're talking about..

We lined up and damn, what a huge cafeteria. Obviously, there's a lot of students here. All of them seems very friendly though.. Unlike at my old school.

I wonder if we have Kingkas and Queenkas at this school?

We lined up and finally got ourselves a tray of breakfast. We found empty seats right after.

"Haekyung ah, we'll tell you more about this school later. For now, let's just talk about ourselves so that we get to know each other more." Eunjae said, the two agreed.

"Well, let me start. I honestly love tteokbokki!" Juri exclaimed right before she put the spoonful of food into her mouth, making us laughs.

"I love tteokbokki too.. Anyway, are you girls all juniors too?" I asked them. The three nodded.

"In here, it's different. School year starts at January and ends at November, December will be a full holiday. But there are some holidays between January to November, like a sem-break." Yena explained.

Woah, that is so different.

"Oh so, you are just here month ago?"

"Nope, I came here on the first week of December. Yena came here on 14th December while Eunjae came here the next day after Yena." Juri explained.

"Anyway.. Extra information, people will only discover that they got superpower in December, other than that, none. So December will be the most busiest month for the teachers since they have to pick up their students." Juri added.

Oh but.. Why did I only discovered I got superpower when I'm 16?

"Hey girls! Oh, a new student?" A guy asked.

"Hey Seokmin! Yeah, she just came yesterday. Her name is Han Haekyung, she have frost. Haekyung, he is Lee Seokmin and he have elasticity." Eunjae introduced.

Elasticity? That means, he can stretch his body parts to make them longer? Wow! That is like, you don't have to use chair to get something because you can just make your hand or leg longer to get it.

"Hey, Seokmin." I smiled.

"Hey! Hope to see you around again!" He smiled back. Damn, he is so bright. I'm liking his personality.

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