The Guardians: Chapter 08

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January 10, 2022,

Why am I so curious about him? It's not like he's curious about me too. I should probably stop thinking about what happened last night and pretend like it didn't happen at all.

"Woaaah~ It's been a week since school started. Time sure flies so fast~" Juri chuckled.

"Jinjja?! Wow.. I can't believe it's been a week.." Yena agreed.

But.. I'm that type of person when I'm curious, I will never stop thinking about it until I get the true answer. But, how am I going to find the answer? Ask him? Tch.

I know he won't tell me even if I threaten him or press or implore him to tell me, he's just a jerk anyway.

We all parted our ways since we're going to our own classes. It's 08:00am now, I have exactly half an hour before class starts. But wait, this is not the way to my class, this is the way to the library..


Good idea..

I went to the library. There's so many books in here but I need to find where is the Telekinesis book section. Oh! Found it! I walked between the two book aisles while keep looking for any book that might give me answer.

Understanding Telekinesis.

I clicked my tongue. This book seems to be the one that might answer my curiousity. I opened the book into random pages and suddenly the title caught my attention.

Unable to control.

Hmm.. Interesting, I read more.

When a telekinesis is unable to control their power, the targeted object might go to a different directions bla bla bla.

This is useless.

"Haekyung? What are you doing here? In telekinesis books section, no less.." It's Jeonghan!

"Oh! I-I was just wondering how telekinesis looks like, hehe." I scratched the back of my head while smiling sheepishly. Jeonghan have this weird look on his face, oh my gosh..

"Well, what are you doing here?" I asked back.

"Oh.. I was looking for a book but gladly I found it." He showed me the book.

Healing Because We're Caring.

The author of that book must be an intellectual for sure, no doubt.

"Have you tried healing a scar?" I inquired.

"Yup, I've tried healing injured animals and sometimes to my friends too! If you got injured in the future, just come to me hahah." He smiled, oh my gosh that is so breathtaking.. How could one be looking so fine like that?

My heart beats.


"Well Haekyung, see you around soon! I gotta go now!" He waved his hand and ran away while I'm here standing still, smiling like an idiot.

I can't take it, he's so handsome and no one should deny that fact.


"Millennium years ago, there was a guy named Jung Manseok. When he was on his way to home, suddenly a huge black shadow tried to attack him. Not knowing what to do, he ran away. But the black shadow won't let him pass-"

"Saem! Who is Jung Manseok?" Haesoo asked, Mr. Shim sighed as he lowered his head.

"Could you please let me finish telling the history of Chogangdaeguk first before you ask? But anyway, Jung Manseok is the person who discovered Chogangdaeguk." Mr. Shim replied, Haesoo smiled apologetically.

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