The Guardians: Chapter 09

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"Wow, frost lesson today was very fun! I made snow rain!! But Mr. Gong told me that I still haven't mastered it yet. I think he's true though, I still struggled so hard to make the snow rain." I told the girls, we're now at the cafeteria, eating dinner.

"Woah~ Daebak~! I tried talking to animals and I understood them! They understood me too! But if I didn't do it properly, we might not understand each other. I still need to practice." Juri said.

"As for me, I tried floating a water drop into the air. It was amazing!" Yena joined.

"Wow, you guys sure enjoyed your power lessons so much. I didn't learn much today, we just do some predictions. I predicted that it will rain tonight because that's what I saw in my mind. Hopefully, I predicted it correctly." Eunjae averred.

"Well! Don't worry Eunjae, I'm sure your prediction will becomes true!" Juri tried to cheer her up.

"Thanks, hehe."

On our way back to the dormitory, I saw Wonwoo standing at the middle of the park. Ah, right! I brought the lotion with me just in case I might see him at the cafeteria plus his hands are very rough so maybe he needs a lotion.

"You girls go first, I have to meet Mr. Shim." I lied, the three of them nodded and walked away. I went to Wonwoo and handed him the lotion. He turned around and furrowed his eyebrows while looking at me.

"Well, I'm still sorry about what happened earlier. I realised your hands are very rough. Use this, it might be less helpful but still." I said, avoiding eye contact with him or else it'll be hella awkward.

He turned his gaze to the front.

"I don't need it." He pushed me away slightly, it's not that he was harsh, just lightly but I flinched, I accidentally let go of the lotion from my grip. The lotion fell to the ground.

"Yah! What did you do to Haekyung?!" I heard someone. We both turned around and it's Seungcheol along with Jeonghan.

"Haekyung ah, did he hurt you?" Jeonghan queried anxiously.

"Wait guys, no. He-"

"Go away, you're such a nuisance." Seungcheol reproved viciously to him.

"Seungcheol, he didn't do anything!" I yelled.

Wonwoo rolled his eyes at me and walked away.

"Wonwoo wait!" I tried to run after him but Jeonghan grabbed my arm, pulling me into a sidehug.

"Haekyung, you should stay away from him." He said, I furrowed my eyebrows as I squinted my eyes.

"I don't get why you want me to stay away from him. He doesn't seems to be a bad person." I bluntly stated. Both of them looked at each other before they sigh.


January 11, 2022,

PE lesson again.. Urgh..

When I arrived to the field, I suddenly made an eye contact with him.

I suddenly remembered what both Seungcheol and Jeonghan told me last night about him.

"You know what, Haekyung? Last year, he used his telekinesis power and killed an innocent senior. He keep throwing chairs and tables using his power to her body with no mercy." Seungcheol pointed out.

I choked, almost freaking out.

"H-huh? Why would he killed an innocent senior?" I questioned, bewildered.

"We don't actually know the real reason why he killed the senior. Many theories were made but the most famous and believed one was that he loved that senior but she rejected him." He remarked.

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