The Guardians: Chapter 04

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Ahh, it's finally lunch time. I'm hungry. I headed to the cafeteria once I finished changing to my school uniform back and found the girls.

"They're serving rice, chicken and some kind of veggie which I don't know what but I really love that veggie." Juri cooed as she tiptoed to look for the foods.

We finally got our lunch tray and found seats.

"Can we join?" A guy asked while smiling sweetly.

"Ah, Jeonghan! Of course, come join us!" Eunjae agreed.

There are around five boys including Seokmin.

"Guys, meet our new roommate, Han Haekyung." Yena introduced me to them. I flashed them my smile as I bowed my head slightly.

"I'm Yoon Jeonghan~ I have healing as my power." He waved his hand to me. Aw, he is so handsome at the same time beautiful, how?! No wonder why he have healing as his power, it suits him well. He have that healing smile.

"Lee Jihoon. I have flame." Oh, he seems like he's not interested to be friend with me. Or maybe he's like that to the person he's not close yet. And, flame? Man, I could burn anyone who pissed me off by that power, easy life.

"Boo Seungkwan in da houz. Feel free to come to me anytime you want to kill your boredom! And oh! I have air, basically I manipulate air." He said sprightly, I can tell that he is a funny person. Air? Hmm.. That's not bad.

"Well, you know me. Seokmin."

"My name is Hong Jisoo. I have mind reading, which obviously means I can read people's mind." He gave me this very sweet smile. Omg, he's handsome. And, reading people's mind? I would like to have that power too. Might be useful during examination.

"What do you have?" Jeonghan asked me.

"Uh? I have frost."

"OHH COOL! Our first frostee friend ever!!" Seokmin shouted in excitement.

Honestly, these guys are so friendly. I usually have this kind of personality where I feel quite insecure and awkward around people who I just met but somehow, the girls and the boys are way too friendly that it took me only five minutes to open up more to them.

"Actually Haekyung, there's seven more of them but I'm not sure where they are." Yena frowned while looking at Jeonghan.

"Well, maybe they have things to do. Who knows?" He shrugged.

Seven more? Damn, they sure have a big group of friends.

After we finished our lunch, it's 01:03pm so we still have time before my frost lesson starts. I wonder how this frost lesson would look like. What if I become so awesome? Damn, can't wait to use my power!

"Han Haekyung!" Mr. Shim called.

"Oh, saem! What is it?"

"The principal wants to meet you now." He notified before he walked away.

"Huh? The principal wants to meet you? What could it be?" Yena furrowed her eyebrows as she keep poking her cheek, wondering.

"Well, you should go by now and tell us later what it's all about." Eunjae tapped my shoulder twice. They waved their hands and gave me thumbs up as a goodluck sign before they walked away.

Wait, now that I'm alone..

Where is the principal's office?

"Wait, wait!!" I shouted but stupid me my friends are already out of my sight.

"I'm lost. Aaaaa~" I started to fake my cry.

"You're so noisy." The same deep monotone voice suddenly said. I knew it, it's him. Jeon Wonwoo. I turned around and crossed both my arms together giving him my poker face.

The Guardians | Jeon WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now