The Guardians 2: Chapter 03

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March 20, 2023,

The day of the test.

The girls are pretty nervous about it, it'll be a lie if I say that I'm not nervous too like them. All of them had been predicting about the test but still, none of us are sure how it's gonna be.

"Are you okay?" I asked him as I hold his hand. He didn't speak up, he just flashed me a smile as he nodded his head as a respond.

We're now on our way to the Scrutinization Hall. It's gonna be our first time going to that hall. Hearing from the name of the hall itself scared some of them. Even I found it scary and creepy.

"Hello everyone. I'm sure all of you are The Guardians and I'm also sure all of you aren't familiar with me except you, Wonwoo. I'm Professor Kim, in charge of conducting experiments." He said the moment we arrived right infront of the Scrutinization Hall.

"I've conducted few experiments on Wonwoo before." What Professor Kim stated just now surprised all of us.

"That sounded so creepy."

"Wait.. What kind of experiments..?"

"Really? Why do we never know that?"

"That's because Wonwoo was unconscious while I did some experiments on him." Professor Kim chuckled after that.

That sounded so creepy~!!

"One by one, I'll call out name randomly but we'll start with Wonwoo. Not all of you will do the test today since only two to three students can take the test in a day." The principal told us.

"Jeon Wonwoo." The principal called him.

"Stop frowning, don't worry too much. It's just a test." Wonwoo whispered to me as he slowly let go of my hand that's holding his hand.

Three of them went inside the hall. I stood there, soulless. Why does my heart beats faster? I'm too worried and nervous at the same time. Why must we undergo this ridiculous test? We're The Guardians so no doubt that we're strong!

"The fact that it makes me be even more scared when Professor Kim told us that he's in charge of conducting experiments and the fact that he've used Wonwoo as one of his experiments toy. Oh my god!" Seungkwan shouted as he threw his hands up to the air in frustration.

"You're making me overthink, Seungkwan." I muttered.

"It's okay, Haekyung. I'm sure Wonwoo will do very well. You know how powerful Wonwoo is." Yena purred as she keep rubbing my shoulder to comfort me.


"Guys, why is it taking so long? It's been almost thirty minutes now." Seungcheol frowned as he stood up.

"Oh my god.. I'm so worried.." I covered my face with both my hands as I lowered my hand while keep tapping my feet on the ground for nonstop.

"I'm not going to take the test, oh my god!" Seokmin hold his head with both his hands. All of them are panicking by the fact that the test are taking longer than expected.

The door opened and Wonwoo came out of the hall, he looked like nothing happened to him. All of them gathered around him and bombarded him with questions.

"What happened?!"

"Was it scary?!"

"Why did you took so long for the test?!"

"Guys, guys, let Wonwoo take a seat and he'll explain us from A to Z." Seungcheol berated all of them.

"Next, Shin Juri."

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