The Guardians: Chapter 06

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January 07, 2022,

"I'm crying~ Breakfast in here is always good~" I fake my cry. Yena tapped my shoulder and she nodded with a fake cry too, agreeing with me.

Wednesday and Thursday are pretty much the same with Tuesday except I didn't deal with Wonwoo again. That's good though, he gave me headache. I ignored him during our PE lesson on Wednesday.

"Haekyung ah, what club do you wanna join? CCA Club is after breakfast." Yena asked me.

"Oh, right.. I haven't think of it.. What are some famous clubs?" I inquired.

"Well, dancing it is. Running man club too! Hmm.. What else?" Yena raised her eyebrows to the both of them.

"I think music club, drama club and singing club too." Juri added.

"Game club are famous, but majority of them are boys." Eunjae told.

"By the way, feel free to join my club, the health and beauty club." Juri winked at me.

"You can join mine too, netball club." Eunjae offered.

"Well yeah, if you wanna come along with me, mine's treasure hunt club. Trust me, it's gonna be awesome." Yena grinned.

Hmm, sounds interesting.

But I want something different..

"Hmm.. Do we have photography club?" I wondered. The three of them nodded, as if they're not interested with that club.

"Ah really?! That club really exists?!" I questioned them loudly as my eyes enlarged.

"Wae? There's like less than 150 students who joined that club." Eunjae stated.

"Oh, come on. I'm really interested in taking pictures even though my photography skills are lame." I notified them.

"Well suits you, join the club." Juri clapped her hands.

"But where is the photography club at?"

"Ah, it's at the photoshoot room. It's quite a big room though." Yena noted.

"Every room in this school is big." I mocked, they laughed.

After we finished eating our breakfast, the girls sent me to the photography club since I didn't know where it is.

"Enjoy and goodluck!"

"I will!"

I went in and saw a lot of students taking pictures with their phones, how am I gonna join this club?

"You wanna join the club?" A girl suddenly asked me.

"Huh? Yeah. But I don't have any camera.." I muttered.

"Hahah, you don't need camera. We're just using our phones here to take the best shot possible." She explained.

"Woah! That's awesome! So I can join now?"

"Just fill in the form and give it to me."

I filled in the form and handed it back to her. Damn, I'm so excited! How can a photography club is not one of the famous club..?

"I wonder, how many students are there in this club?" I questioned.

"Ah, there's only 149, 151 including you and me." She replied with a smile.

"That's quite a lot actually.." I mumbled.

"Actually, every club has a limit of only 200 students per club but since there's a lot of students here, some club even reached almost 400 members, like the dancing club. That's why they're divided into three, for juniors, sophomores and seniors." She notified.

The Guardians | Jeon WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now