The Guardians: Chapter 20

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It's almost sunset now. I brought Wonwoo to the park near the river. We both took a seat on the ground waiting for the sunset.

"Is this what you called fun?" He suddenly asked me.

I turned my head to him, he's looking at me with his usual straight face and I can tell that he's bored right now.

"I'll show you fun later. After we watch the sunset." I answered.

"Why aren't you with your friends? You have a lot of friends." He suddenly said.

"Yeah, I do have a lot of friends." I smiled.

"Aren't you're jealous of me? I have a lot of friends." I teased and slightly smirked. I heard him scoffed after that.

"What's the point of having a lot of friends." He muttered.

Look, this guy is missing the fun part here.

"A lot. They're always there for you, they always listens to your concerns, they give you the best advice, they treats you like a family, they told you what's wrong and what's right. They are probably the best person you could ever have in your life." I grinned but sincerely not a fake grin as I explained to him.

"Lucky you then."

"Don't you have friends before?" I frowned.

"I do. But they ended up hating me because of what happened." He replied flatly.

"Hmm.. That's not a true friend then. Like me, I can be your true friend. I will never ever hate my friend no matter how bad their mistakes are. Like you, imagine I was your friend back then. You just have to tell me the truth then I'll side with you instead of not believing you and ended up hating you." I shrugged at the end of my sentence.

I mean.. That's not wrong, right? We need to know the truth first before we start hating someone..

"So you're saying that you're loyal?"

"Very loyal."

He flicked my head.

"Ah! That hurts!" I whimpered.

"Yah, look at me." He did as what I told him. I touched his hair but then he precipitously pushed my hand away and I was nonplussed with the sudden action.

"What are you doing?" He grumbled.

"Chill, let me fix your hair."

I parted his bangs so that it shows a bit of his forehead. He looks better with this kind of hairstyle. I like his forehead. He looks like a good student now even with a poker face. I giggled.

"What's funny? What did you do?" He gave me a death glare.

I took my phone out and showed him the camera for him to look at himself. He rolled his eyes after that.

"Waeyo? You look great like that." I put my phone back to my pocket.

After watching the sunset together, we both are just walking around the park. There wasn't a lot of people and I noticed there wasn't anyone from our school either. That's a relief.

I looked around and saw a pond. I went there and checked, it was just an empty pond, just water with no fishes. I put my foot on top of the water and the pond completely freeze. Wonwoo stared at me and I can see his bemused face because of my sudden action.

I stepped onto the frozen pond and offered him my hand.

He raised an eyebrow.

"Yah, I'm trying to show you some fun." I muttered.

The Guardians | Jeon WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now