Author's Note

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Hello my lovely people!

For more than a year I have been away and when I log in again, all I find is love and appreciation here. Words can't suffice how fortunate I feel!

Well, life has been a rollercoaster all this while. I was away from my one and true passion. I missed writing more than anything. I strayed too far but only to realize how essential is writing for me.

I genuinely intend to complete both my books and even write a new one as well. It might take some time to pick up the pace but I will. If any of you want to connect with me more often, you can follow me on Instagram.

My Instagram handle is @ embersbright

I have even created a poll about my books there. You can vote to get a new chapter of your favorite book first.

Besides, I shall be posting timely teasers of 'Deceiving Veils' and 'A Thousand Encounters' on my Instagram.

Thank you lovely people for reading and even re-reading my books. I am thoroughly grateful for your valuable reviews.

Love and Regards

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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