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"Now what?" She asked as he kept peering into her beautiful eyes. 

"Now we wait for one week to be like this," He said and she frowned. 

Sky had some shade other than grey now and she looked surreal as she peered into his calm eyes with a storm worth a week. 

"You look breathtaking when you're angry," He admitted casually and she got up just to saddle his torso. Her long hair covered her face and he tucked those wild wisps behind her ear so that he could see her beautiful face.

The purest fury!

"Manik Malhotra," She called out as if was about to summon his fate. 

"I am done living in pieces," She announced and he sighed audibly. He too was done living like that.

He kept tucking her racing tresses behind her ear while she kept clutching his shirt over his chest. 

"I am done letting you go...even if it's for damned six days," She whispered this time. 

"At least you will have the kids," He quipped and she hit him hard on chest. 

"And you'll have Harshad," She gave it back and he rolled his eyes. 

Leaning, she kissed his forehead and let her lips linger over his skin as if soaking his warmth. 

"You need to get back, Cadet, before anyone knows," She reminded him getting off him. He whimpered audibly and she giggled. He hated it when she started to talk sense. 

As she folded the sheet, he got up and wrapped his arms around her waist. She wished to stay like that for an eternity before she could ever feel ready to be away from him. 

"Repair your truck and keep your bags packed," He commanded as if had designed a new mission. 

"Are we finally eloping this town?" She asked and he groped her lips in his as he read how badly she wanted to be away from all this chaos. 

"No, you are driving us to the tallest mountain of this area. We're taking kids hiking," He shared his plans and she smiled merrily. She hugged him tightly and all he could do was feel the content. They had a weekend to look forward to. 


Nandini dropped Pongo and Rogue to Uncle Bernard's. She was already late for work. Accelerating the car, she wished how she could drive faster than that. The auction was important for her boss and she was supposed to be his guide. Uttering some profanities as she saw the packed parking lot, her luck was testing her nerves. 

After fifteen more minutes there, she finally made it the race course where people eyed the horses as if they were some prized pearls. Her eyes roamed to find her boss but instead caught the glimpse of the man she didn't want to see. 

Her father. 

He stood there surrounded by his business associates. His charming aura was the center of attraction on any given day. 

Nandini decided not to dive further in her thoughts and cut through the crowd to reach her employer. 

"You're an hour late, Nandini," He yelled exasperated. 

"I am really sorry, Mr Sachdeva," She was genuinely sorry. 

"You knew it, Nandini that I needed you here before all others are here. I wanted your opinion on the purchases we are going to make today," He was calmer this time.

"This town usually don't have traffic but somehow today everyone decided to buy a horse," She quipped and then felt even more guilty. 

"Anyway, I know where to put our bet," She came to the point and guided him towards a white horse which stood quite unattended. 

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