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"I am seriously not feeling well," Manik tried to convince as Sahiba put the tuxedo on bed.

"Mrs Singh," He pleaded as she didn't pay any heed to his excuses of avoiding the first party of Murthy's grand celebration plan.

"Manik," She gave him a stern look to cut the drama as she was adamant that he had to join them all at cocktail party.

Manik sighed in defeat and tried to put his plea, "What will I do there?"

"You will have some fun there," She checked the suit once again and left the room giving him one warm smile.

Manik retired on his bed with a heavy head which had already gone half dizzy on thought of surviving the upcoming social drama. He checked the suit lying beside him and saw a fine touch of army in every crease of it. He smiled as he realized how thoughtfully Mrs Singh had selected the suit for him.


"And this one?" Designer showed Nandini another dress out of his latest collection and she yet again nodded in no.

Designer with an apparent irked face put the dress back. Nandini's room had got invaded by designer of her mom and she had all the intentions to take the perfect revenge.

"So I have just showed you entire of my latest collection and you didn't like any of it," Designer said with a plastered smile trying to gulp the insult.

"They all suck," Nandini said with almost similar plastered smile. Both kept giving each other murderous looks with an elite plastered smile.

"Then, what am I doing here?" Designer said in frustration and tried to sound cool about it.

"Exactly," Nandini fueled the vehicle of insult more.

Designer looked here and there trying to make some sense. Seeing nothing getting worked, he stormed out of the room and his assistants collected his stuff. Giving Nandini deadly glares, they all left the room one by one.

Nandini chuckled a bit and crashed on her bed. Looking at time, she knew what was coming next.


She heard her mother yelling and she sighed in 'I knew it' .


Clock hit 7 and men looked at staircase expecting ladies to come down. Madhav and Colonel looked at each other, and then shook their head with a mutual feeling.

Daadu seemed to be as grumpy as he could while sitting in his rocking chair.

Sahiba came down wearing a white saree with a gorgeous shawl and Mr Singh smiled. He and Madhav exchanged looks as Colonel bragged about his punctual wife.

"You look stunning, sweetheart," He complimented as soon as she walked to him.

"Where's Manik?" Sahiba asked looking around.

"He must be..." Colonel couldn't even complete his sentence as they saw Manik climbing down.

Sahiba smiled looking at him as he wore the suit she had given him. As he walked next to them, Sahiba adjusted collar of his blazer and said, "Nothing can beat the charm of an army man. You look handsome, Son"

"Then how come I didn't get a compliment?" Colonel complained like a kid. Sahiba hit him on arm lightly and Manik chuckled.

Manik walked to the Daadu and Mrs Murthy walked down the stairs wearing one of her most expensive saree.

"It's 7:30 and we are still here. My guests must have reached there and I am stuck here," Madhav taunted his wife as she took so long.

"Now where is that brat daughter of yours?" He asked frustratedly.

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