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Tattling was the only background score as Manik tried to gulp the breakfast served to him. His mind was on fire as if thousands of bees had stung him. He couldn't keep himself away from thinking about Nandini.

"Manik," Harshad called out a bit loudly to bring him out of his thoughts.

"Colonel Singh has called you in his office," Harshad informed and Manik looked at door to find an irate peon who must have called him many times. Manik nodded and walked out.

Knocking the door, he heard colonel calling him inside.

Colonel Singh didn't look up from file on his desk but his face hardened as Manik walked to him.

"Sir," Manik tried to mark his presence and colonel closed the file just spare a hard look to Manik.

"You brought Nandini to my house?" Colonel asked.

Manik was expecting this question. He sighed and nodded.

"You brought her here when you knew how I would not like it?" Colonel asked raising his brow.

Manik opened his mouth to say something but colonel was in mood to throw another question.

"And You again didn't care about academy and your future," Colonel mentioned in a defeated tone as he slouched back in his chair. Manik looked up to find colonel gazing him with something illegible.

"I had nowhere else to take her," Manik replied lowly but profoundly.

"Besides, Mrs Singh is fine with it," That had tinge of irritation now.

Colonel Singh chuckled and Manik tried to find out what was so funny.

"Sahiba said the same thing," Colonel explained and Manik pursed his lips trying not to look amused.

Colonel kept shaking his head as if trying to make himself understand something.

"Go attend your classes," He told Manik. Manik kept standing there unable to believe how that was all about it. He had expected another severe penalty, and if not that at least some scolding. Nothing of that sort had happened.

"You can leave now, cadet," Colonel again said while opening the file on desk. Manik nodded and walked out only to overthink that what could be reason of colonel's leniency. His mind had been put into a state where he now always tried to fetch what was wrong instead of taking things how they were. He needed to know what was colonel's next move. He had gone beyond sanity.


"Just give her these medicines and she will be fine," Doctor informed Mrs Singh while walking out of room.

"Don't worry, Ma'am," Military doctor tried to reason a worried Mrs Singh.

"It's just aftereffects of drenching in rain," He informed casually.

"Thank you, Sameer," Mrs Singh thanked wholeheartedly.

Closing the door, she walked upstairs and saw Nandini sleeping peacefully. Mild sunlight was showering her pale face through window and she looked like one unarmed princess. Mrs Singh closed the door and walked back to living room. Last few hours were nothing less than a tough drill. It was difficult to explain Colonel why and how Nandini was there in their house. Well, Mrs Singh did quite a job telling her husband off. She knew it was her territory and no one could ask her why she does what. Her eyes darted towards landline and she wondered if she should inform Murthys or not. She didn't know what was situation there. She pondered for a minute or two and then she chose what was right. Picking the receiver, she dialed a number.

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