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"You can resume your job at academy if you agree to accompany us to estate"

Nandini was running on treadmill remembering conversation with her dad that morning. Her temper had gone on a toss and hadn't returned down since then. Her father had put a condition to serve his plan of vacations by putting her winter job at stake. She increased the pace as her ire refused to subside.

"I'll be coming, stop killing the treadmill now," her Daadu said as he walked into gym.

Nandini stopped the treadmill as she heard him. Wiping sweat off her face, she put the towel back.

"How come my super irritating parent asked you to accompany?" She asked sitting beside him.

"Well, even I am surprised at my ultra irritating son and daughter in law," he spoke as he wondered even more.

"I think they finally got to know we are inseparable," Nandini muttered and looked at her grandpa.

Both burst out laughing and in no time, Nandini's temper had shot down after a dangerous fly.


"You know that," he bumbled in his not so sweet slumber.

Fidgeting a bit with blanket, he buzzed again, "What?"

"Nandini, I seriously don't think I can teach you.... Horse riding," he rambled as he talked in his sleep.

"You know... Let's keep it to shooting only," he buzzed and then snored.

Sunlight traveled across the beds and reached his face. He pulled up the blanket on his face to avoid it.

"Don't irritate, Nandini," he yelled and fidgeted a bit.


A masculine voice bolted on Manik's sweet nightmare.

He instantly got up on bed and rubbed his eyes.

In no time, Lt Kalra had stormed in with his 20 inches moustache.

"You lazy ass, who sleeps till 7:40?" he bombarded Manik and he got down on floor. He greeted him with a salute and Lt glared him from tip to toe. Manik realized he was in his boxers only and immediately picked up his shirt.

"I am sorry, sir," he said while wearing his shirt, "I overslept."

"That I can see, you idiot," Lt struck.

After a good morning dose of Lt Kalra's likely abuses and taunts, Manik got rid of him. He got a punishment of running 20 extra rounds when he joined morning drill with seniors.

Palming his face, Manik sat down on his bed. He sighed and then muttered something under his breath.


A peon entered Colonel's Singh's office with a trolley of delights as giggles inside spread across the room.

"Oh Madhav, I missed you, Man," Colonel said while catching his breath after a hearty laugh.

"Do not start with your cheesy comments now, Singh," Mr. Murthy quipped.

"I miss my best friend. Don't blame the cheese," Colonel Singh said dramatically and both burst out laughing.

"Yar, you steal my daughter every year, no matter how I hate this jail of yours," Mr. Murthy uttered.

"Don't call it that. And blame your Brigadier father and highly sweet daughter, not me," Colonel shrugged.

"My great father," Mr Murthy sighed and continued, "And what did you call Nandini? Sweet?"

He threw his head back while laughing and shook his head.

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