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Pulling her messy hair up to let them hang loose through that clip, Nandini spun on her toes in front of mirror just to know how she looked. Clock struck 1:15 and she rushed to grab her jeep keys. Skipping steps, she descended her tower, her room. Daadu shook his head not knowing how many times he had to tell her stop doing waltz in stairs.

"Bye," She kissed his cheek before running out of her house. Her jeep awaited her as one loyal ride. It was an honor to get driven by her. Well, Jokes apart. Checking the time for nth time in her watch, she started the engine just to vroom it through curvy roads.

It was day 2 since her college had started. Third year had brought shortened college time and more stress. 10 days more before she had to attend that seminar with delegation from London business school. Well, things didn't work. Her devil of a father had refused to have anything to do with it, principal was high on confidence to give in front of her threats, Daadu said it was harmless and Manik...he said how it was such am amazing news. Topper Malhotra was bad for your health sometimes. She sighed as she looked at her watch. She had returned from her college at 12 and now was driving to academy.

Parking her jeep, she walked inside the giant gate just to notice quiet in academy. It was break time of course. Reporting at admin office, she strode towards shooting range.

"You're late," She heard him saying as he took a precise aim.

Dropping her bag on floor, she ran towards the stand just to sway in his arms. He held her in time as she wrapped her legs around his torso. His head gear displaced due to her head had hit it with such intensity that now his nose was squashed. He adjusted it with one hand while she consumed all of him.

"How was your day?" Manik asked finally able to concentrate on fireball in his arms.

"Worst than ever," She spoke breaking the hug.

"That means you studied well," He grinned not using his teeth.

She gazed him lazily. Her eyes tired, lips a bit pouted; he kissed her cheek carefully not wanting to give away how he wanted to do more.

"We have 2 hours...almost," He said looking at huge clock in arena.

"I have found a new place," She spoke excitedly. All that tiredness had disappeared magically.

"Not again," He murmured and she pinched his nose. He hissed a bit and she giggled.

"Don't tell me it's that warehouse again," He said dreading.

Last time she had found this potato warehouse in campus and it smelled awful.

"It's better than that," She said landing on floor. Straightening her sweater, she grabbed his hand and to drag him somewhere.

Their life had gone a little taut since Nandini's college had started and Manik had entered his second term. They had to make use of recesses just to be together, doing weirdest of things, killing time in most lively manner and just soak in each other's presence. It was like they had finally found a way to use ink on that blank paper where they were writing something beautifully absurd.

"It's officers quarters," Manik realized as soon as Nandini walked her through that lane.

"Don't worry, soldier. I won't get you rusticated," She said without looking back at him. Her hand reached her clip and she pulled it away letting her wavy wisps flow in cold wind. Sun had nothing on crazy wind.

"A junkyard?" Manik mumbled looking around and she looked back biting her lip. She looked proud at something.

A military scrapyard," She corrected and he sighed in amusement.

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