Chapter- 48

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"It's just a seminar, Nandini," Rishi spoke as Nandini took one sharp cut towards her college. He had dared to accompany the madcap to her college just to calm her hot engine. 

"No, it's not. It's a trap. It's a trap to send me away so that dad can have his ways," She replied trying to park her car between two cars. 

"There's no space," Rishi tried to reckon but it was barren. She managed to park her car in that tight valley somehow and now Rishi had no space left to open his side of door. He glared her while she got off. 

He used her side of door to come out and followed her. 

"See, nobody can send you abroad if you don't want to. You are an adult," He reminded while she fought with blazer she had to wear. 

"This is ridiculous," She murmured before giving up on that stupid piece of cloth. 

"I wonder how Manik could love these stupid blazers," She added and entered into seminar hall. It was tightly packed. She tried to find herself a aloof corner and leaped to get the last seat. Rishi met the principal and had some casual chit-chat. He smiled at her before he left the hall. 

Now it was just her and boring lecture ahead which was going to last about 5 hours. Dropping her head on back of chair, she sighed totally cursing her dad. 



Manik yelled at his friends as they all sat in mess making one stupid plan. 

"I am out of here," He said getting up. Harshad pulled him down again only to glare him at length. 

"Don't be a spoil sport," He uttered and Manik shook his head. 

"Look guys, I am not trespassing for any stupid party," Manik declared and again got up. 

"Really?" Harshad mocked him and again dragged him down. 

"You can trespass every other night for meeting Nandini but cannot come with us," Harshad whispered in his ear and Manik stopped wiggling. 

 "What are you talking about?" Manik asked leaning in his chair. 

"Now agree or else I will tell everyone that you and Nandini are together," Harshad played his card well. Manik narrowed his eyes as he gave Harshad this utterly  betrayed look. 

"How can you?" Manik asked shaking his head trying to raise the conscious from dead. 

"I can," Harshad shrugged and Manik sighed in defeat. 

"Screw you," He murmured and Harshad got busy in his evil plan. 


Nandini walked towards exit as they declared lunch break. Eager giggles of girls touched her ears and she wasn't even amused. Rolling her eyes, she came out of suffocating hall which smelt like a bit too much of business. Inhaling a needed breath, she walked away to dial a number which could refill her drained patience. But before she could escape the corridor, she head someone calling her from her surname. 

"Ms Murthy"

It again rang in her ears and she turned around to see her principal standing with a tall man trapped in Brioni Vanquish walking towards her. Well, He was the reason behind eager giggles of her classmates back in auditorium. 

Mr Renesh Samuel, Youngest Asian big daddy in business world. 

Good looking, arrogant and pricey; In short another copy of her father. She sighed and walked to them. He had just delivered 2 hours long lecture and her college couldn't go gaga enough. 

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