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Straw bed beneath, glass roof above; she beside, he somewhere trying to absorb it all. Manik inhaled an urgent breath just to fill his lungs with cold air so that he could fathom this moment better. Nandini was laying next to him with her head on his extended arm and he wanted to bribe the clock to pause so that he could fill his heart with this belief that she was back to him. They were in stable of her father. Only she had guts to break into her own property with a person his father didn't like. 

She giggled out of nowhere to break his reverie and he blinked twice to come out of his mind. Turning on her stomach, she looked at him. Her wide smile sobered a bit as he smiled back. He didn't know what was so amusing to that mad woman. 

She kept looking at his face while he felt heat gushing into his veins. 

"A dangerous plan, just this time

A stranger's hand clutched in mine"

Her smile got replaced with an earnest gaze. She crawled on her elbows to be a little more closer to him. Straws messed her hair and she looked familiar more than ever. 

"What's wro...?" Manik couldn't even complete when she inched even closer, her face sincerer than ever. 

"You have made me cry, soldier," She hardly whispered. Her eyes twinkling a bit, she seemed to be stirred. 

"You know, nobody could ever do that?" She herself was amused at something best known to her. 

"I am sor....," He again tried to speak but she folded her arms on his chest causing him to go all sort of dysfunctional. Manik licked his lips as she ascended his torso just to make him her warm bed. 

"Nothing ever made me so weak the way you did. Why would you be such a bad kitten?" She asked narrowing her eyes. She looked fiery and feeble at the same time. Toe of her feet working on his calf over the fabric, Manik knew she was out tonight to be death of him. That lady laying flat on him had all the might to burn him without even trying. She was in her element.

Putting her chin on her own folded arm, she stared his neck with a pout. She was in some thought. Manik took a deep breath finding it hard to cop up with her touch all over his body. 

Nandini was now busy scratching his neck with straw in her hand. 

"I never meant to hurt you, Nandini," Manik spoke up finding her very quiet. She was busy extracting his high-necked sweater from his skin with that straw in her hand. 

"You did, soldier," She replied still busy in pricking business. 

Manik sighed in remorse unable to hold the contrast of the night. She has chosen to be interactive in every possible way. Toe of her foot was now busy curling around his socks. 

  "I'll take this chance, so call me blind
I've been waiting all my life"

"I let you," She uttered looking into his eyes finally. He stared into her beautiful eyes while she crawled up a little more, her leg folded over his thigh. She put her head in curve of his neck. Her fevered breaths soaked the skin of his neck as she ran that straw across his throat. It tickled hard and his hand rushed to stop her torturous course. Manik clicked his lips unable to hold the tingling sensation while she looked up. Coming back on her elbows, she stared into his eyes demanding something illegible. 

Manik didn't know what to do with this Nandini. She had already driven him to the wall. 

He raised his head from straw bed and kissed her cheek leisurely. Looking into her eyes, he cupped her face with she still laid on his torso. 

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