Chapter- 25

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"This is trouble. This is serious trouble," Manik walked forth and back biting his nails. 

"This girl is crazy and she thinks she can make me do anything," He mumbled further mapping the same piece of land. 

Harshad watched Manik walking hysterically and scratched his forehead in frustration. 

"Dude, it's 10:30. She is alone in forest. Imagine that," Harshad said trying to bring the timorous Manik out of his little tragedy. 

"Exactly. Who walks into forest this late? Couldn't she wait till morning?" Manik muttered fretting more. 

"You are impossible," Harshad uttered failing to understand super anxious man in front of him. He was missing the point apparently.  

It was weird how Manik had told him about phone call and now when he had, he was totally being an outgoing service. He wasn't listening, only rambling some alien language. Harshad didn't know what Manik wanted other than pacing in corridor. 

"So we are gonna stand here. No, No..I am gonna stand here and you are gonna pace like this all night," Harshad asked baffled. 

"Noooo," Manik rectified irked as if Harshad wasn't getting his point. 

"I need to send her home," He added. 

"And for that you need to see her," Harshad yelled knocking some sense into his jumpy mind. 

"You know it would be a suicide," Manik asked holding Harshad's forearms. 

"I know a way," Harshad winked and Manik looked horrified. 

"No way I am bribing the night guard and trespassing,"  Manik flinched back assuming what way Harshad was talking about. 

"Then go ask Colonel if you can go out to meet your girlfriend because she is having a midnight tantrum," Harshad mocked mimicking. 

"She is not my girlfriend," Manik mumbled pouting. 

"I know how sad you are about that fact," Harshad teased bantering with that hopeless case. 

"Shut up," Manik yelled and then walked away stomping his feet. 

"Don't forgot she is alone there," Harshad shouted from behind. 

"That's not what I am afraid of," Manik mumbled to himself and turned around. 

He walked to Harshad with a crying face and hugged him. 

"Help me," He demanded snuggling into him.

"Awwwww," Harshad patted his back and separated the cry baby from him. 

"You know you are weirdly cute, right?" He asked overwhelmed. 

"You are helping me or not?" Manik asked pursing his lips. 

"That's what your problem is. You want help and you are always angry," Harshad complained and dragged him somewhere. 


Manik waited behind a pillar while Harshad talked to night guard. Manik cursed himself and Nandini for doing something very prohibited. Never in his life, he had broken a rule and here he was about to burn the entire rule-book. He couldn't wait to see Nandini to tell her how pathetic he was feeling. 

He saw Harshad walking back to him with a smile. 

"He agreed," Harshad told elated. 

"You can jump off the wall and he would pretend he didn't see," Harshad added grinning. 

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