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Manik stood devastated in front of huge parade of fancy cars as they all passed past him. Holding his backpack, he saw them lining up in front of a huge mansion. As soon as chauffeurs stepped out of cars, he saw a line of people coming out of mansion which didn't seem to end.

"They all are going on vacation?" Manik exhaled the shock.

"Well, My boy, Madhav is having a grand party in his estate and believe me, it's huge," Colonel Singh told being all elated about the fact.

Manik choked on the thought of being around such nuisance for next one week. He couldn't find point in having such congested vacations. Colonel Singh stood proudly beside his vintage ambassador as people walked past them giving utterly fake smiles.
Manik walked behind old ambassador as soon as that stupid mass of people seem to have 'Oh Mrs Singh, how long'  kind of greetings.

With knitted brows and sullen face, he exclaimed, "Where am I stuck?"

Next few minutes were even more awkward as Colonel Singh introduced Manik to host of famous vacation Mr Madhav and his utterly inspecting wife. Well, name had struck a bell but he was way too engulfed in frowning and cursing.

"Make yourself comfortable, Manik," Mr Madhav said while patting his back for nth time since the time he had stood beside the group to listen the irrelevant chats.

"Where is your firebrand daughter?" Madhav asked his wife as he looked at his watch.

"Our daughter," His wife corrected him gritting her teeth.

Colonel Singh chuckled and said, "Come on you two, she isn't that bad. In fact, she is such lovely girl."

Madhav smiled nervously as he glared his watch again.

"Hadn't someone inform that troublemaker about what time we leave?" Madhav uttered being a bit irked.

"I had told her to be here at time but have that girl ever listened anyone?" She replied shaking her head.

Manik chuckled seeing them dreading their own daughter. He amused at kind of coincidence how the description reminded him of someone he knew. And with that thought, brows formed a knot.

"Dad, have you seen her?" Madhav asked almost shouting. Manik saw a grumpy old man standing leaning on a BMW with his stick.

"How would I know? She is your daughter," Old man grumbled under his white mustache.

"Huh," Madhav ridiculed and Colonel Singh put his hand on Madhav's shoulder gesturing him to calm down.

Manik pressed his lips seeing the utterly hilarious family soap going on in front of his eyes. Before he could try to derive some sadistic pleasure, a muscular roar of engine filled the atmosphere and drew all the attention.
A red Chevrolet Colorado graced the road after a rash turn and halted right in front of Mr. Murthy. His face scowled a bit seeing sight of car standing right in front of his eyes. 

"Nandiniiiiiiiiiii," He yelled and Manik's eyes snapped to driver's seat

No,No, it couldn't be happening. He argued his ears with how he had started to hallucinate after all those nightmares. There she stepped out of her truck with that infamous simper on her face which screamed for trouble. Manik shook his head in disbelief and gasped. 

"It couldn't be happening. She couldn't be here," he murmured with a pale face.

Nandini walked to her grandpa ignoring everyone around. 

"That's junk isn't going with us," Mr Murthy yelled.

"That's my truck," she replied with a plastered smile.

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