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Nandini and Daadu stood at bus stand waiting for last bus coming from Shimla. Daadu tapped his club continuously in anticipation while Nandini gazed around. It was cold. Aparna was supposed to come by that bus. Daadu insisted so many times how he would send a car but she didn't listen. Nandini heard screech of brakes and nudged Daadu. Daadu smiled in glee as headlights of bus hit his eyes. He walked towards it and Nandini rubbed her palms to cop up with bone-crackling dry cold.

Trying to peek inside the bus, Daadu obstructed way of every passenger as they got off the bus. Nandini smiled at her impatient young man who couldn't be asked to tame his excitement today. Nandini too walked towards bus as she saw glimpse of her aunt through window. She looked the same as she did four years back. Same lean appearance with a lovely smile who never left her lips.

"Aparna," Daadu called in glee as she got off the bus.

Before she could even gather her greets, Daadu hugged her with all his affection.

"Dad," She murmured as she felt his trembling figure.

Nandini bit her lip seeing his happy go lucky grandpa so vulnerable, she hated that sight but then today it betokened happiness.

"Dad," Aparna again called, her own eyes going moist as she heard Daadu's faint sobs. She looked at Nandini who was standing at few steps and smiled. Nandini walked to her waving a hello and planted a soft kiss on her Daadu's cheek. He seemed to collect himself as he parted looking as cheerful as he always was.

"How are you?" Aparna asked him and he sighed in satisfaction.

"I am more than fine," He replied enthusiastically. Aparna looked at all grown up lady and walked to her to engulf her in a side hug. Nandini did return it honestly, though she sucked at meet and greet all the time.

"I am so happy," Daadu exclaimed and Nandini giggled.

"Happy man, save the drama till we reach home," Nandini said and Daadu glared her.

Three of them walked towards Nandini's jeep.


Manik neatly arranged his bed and then looked at it satisfied. Walking to book rack, he picked up a book and smiled at it. Harshad shook his head looking at the drama-king. He was one uptight jerk who read romantic novels in nights.

Harshad threw a pillow at him showing his irritation over Manik's ignorance. It passed Manik messing his oiled head, well hair were there for sake of it after he had to take infamous military fade haircut. Manik hissed like a proper cribber. Harshad grinned as Manik scowled at him.

"Look at that greasy wolverine," Harshad mocked just to gain another death-glare from Manik.

"Do not test my patient, Harshad," Manik warned as he hurled the pillow back at him.

"Is there any time you are not snarling?" Harshad asked just to get the right kick before he could sleep after another survived day at academy.

"Yes, there is," Manik replied mocking his tone as he tucked himself up in his bed.

"It's when I don't have to bear this monkey face of yours," He added and Harshad loured. Manik pretended to get busy in his book while Harshad glared him to his heart's content before he decided to call it a day. Manik couldn't be fun when he was sane. Harshad was missing the heart-broken Manik who was just like one sweet puppy. Sighing, he called out for sleep.

Manik sighed in content as He heard Harshad snoring. Now he could read this new novel in peace. Well, it was a love story. He bought it just like that. No, it hadn't anything to do with his love life which was in pink of its health these days. Okay, he wanted to believe it that way.

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