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Nandini yelled as Daadu took the last carriage occupying it all for himself. He was drunk and it was showing in his actions.

"How can someone occupy entire of that beauty all for himself?" She murmured and then looked around. Holding her heels in hand, she put another hand on her waist trying to figure out how to go home. Manik walked out of hall and walked to her. Holding his coat in one hand, he looked at two bottles of beer in his other hand. 

"Here," He offered her one.

"Thanks," She said and started to gulp it.

"I thought you would be needing it after that cardio session," He added and she spitted the content which was rewarding her dry throat. 

"Cardio session?" She asked almost shouting.

"I can't find more appropriate word for your dance back there," He added casually.  

Nandini narrowed her eyes in anger and he just shrugged his shoulders.

"And you danced like as if a plank was dancing with a grumpy face," She retorted and he furrowed his brows in disagreement. 

"And you partner. What was his name? Yes, Vivaan! He was ogling at you as if he would gobble you up," Manik retaliated and sighed in revengeful content. 

"How dare you?" Saying this Nandini emptied bottle of beer on his head, "And your partner was choking because she had to dance with a plank."

Manik stood there with open mouth trying to digest what she had done. Beer was dripping down his head and he looked at himself and then her audacity. 

 Next moment, He spilled his bottle on her and pursed his lips in pleasure of revenge. 

"Manik," She yelled and stepped back. Her white dress was now dripping in beer. Her little nose was flaring in anger. She showed him her index finger in warning and stormed inside the hall. He kept looking at her and then shook his head. Looking at condition of tuxedo, he frowned thinking about what he was going to tell Mrs Singh. Before he could fret more, he felt stream flowing down his flesh. It was cloudburst or what. There she stood with bucket of beer which she had just emptied on him. He was drenched in beer. She folded her arms near her chest in victory and then tilted her head to look him from tip to toe. 

"That's how it ended," She said and took a step to leave. 

But he pulled her so hard and then caged her in his arms. Liquid on his body was touching her flesh and she squirmed under his grip. 

"This is how it ended," He said and rubbed against her so that she could feel the same flavored disgust which he was feeling. 

"Manik, you are disgusting," She said as soon as smell of beer touched her nose. 

"Why? Wasn't you spilling it on me disgusting?" He asked and nuzzled in her neck making her laugh. She giggled as she felt ticklish. 

"Stop it, Manik," She asked in between her giggles and he rubbed his wet hair against her flesh even more. His hands were on her waist and her tiny hands were on his chest. She giggled forgetting about their ongoing battle and he kept tickling her. 

"Manikkkkkk," She flinched and pinched him hard on his chest. 

He retreated owing to the sensation and she took the chance to tickle him till he curled up.

"Nandiniiii," He cried as it was hard to hold the giggles. 

"What happened, cadet? Feeling ticklish?" She asked tickling him more and he burst into fit of laughter. 

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