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"Where's Nandini?" Asked Madhav seeing Manik back in hotel.

"She must be with Vivaan," Manik answered and then crashed in chair with a frown. 

Daadu gave him a 'What happened' look and Manik shook his head. Closing his eyes and he sighed due to tiredness. 

"I think I'll just go and have a nap," Manik told everyone rubbing his neck. He did look disoriented and low. Almost everyone noticed that. Saying that he left for his room while everyone else shared some wondering glances. 

"Should I go and check?" Mrs Singh asked getting up. 

"Sahiba," Colonel held her hand and said, "He must be tired. Nothing to worry about."

Throwing the shoes somewhere in room, he did all the curtains and then took off the windcheater hastily. 

"I don't know why this is so hot," Saying this he tried to find remote to AC. Pressing the power button, he tried to turn that on but it didn't start. 

"Why the hell they even fit them in rooms when there's no power in them?" He yelled and then crashed on bed. Digging his face in pillow, he tried to cover his head with arms. 


Nandini walked to the hotel with almost dead Vivaan as he was hardly walking. She asked receptionist where Murthy's were staying and she gave her address to their suite. She walked towards lift leaving a snail speed Vivaan behind and pressed the top floor. Apparently, everything was suffocating around. She could feel an unrest in her heart but she was too adamant to even acknowledge that. Lift pinged and she walked towards penthouse. 

"There you are," Her mother exclaimed as she opened the door for Nandini. She walked in with straight face and then crashed into soft couch. Throwing her muffler somewhere, she gulped the water. 

"Where's Manik?" She asked as next thing.

"He is asleep," Her mother answered and then added, "I have ordered the food for you. Have it and then rest a bit before we leave for estate." Saying that she walked to her room. 

"What happened, Nandini?" Daadu asked as soon as living room was empty and those two were left alone. 

"Nothing, Daadu," She said and rested her head on couch and closed her eyes. 

"You and Manik, something happened?" He again asked and Nandini opened her eyes lazily. 

"What would happen between us?" She answered casually and then smiled at Daadu. 

"Then why he was looking so disoriented when he came back?" Daadu asked seriously and Nandini shot him a 'How would I know' glare. 

"He is a drama-queen. Would that put a stop on your interrogation?" She asked frustrated and then got up.

"I am not his PA," She stated irked and walked to her room. 

Daadu watched her storming towards her room and sighed. 

"It's starting," He mumbled under his mustache and grabbed the snacks from table. 


"Where's Manik? He didn't even come for evening tea," Said Madhav and looked at Mrs Singh. 

Nandini who was sitting quietly yet a little mad inside stopped playing with her fork as she heard parents talking about him. 

"He said he isn't feeling like having anything so..," Sahiba answered being a little uncertain and then looked at Colonel. 

"Trekking I think," Colonel told Madhav and then got busy with his food. 

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