Hello there!!

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*Is it safe to reappear like this after disappearing like "Gadhe ke Sar se Seengh"?*

Okay...pardon me for a poor pickup line. I am certainly bad at it.

First of all, I am really sorry for not being able to update for so long. Life is in mood to take me off-guard and screw all the plans I make to balance all the arcs. I shall not make any further promises and shall write next update as time allows me. February has never been this busy and I am hardly getting time to even sleep with two projects at hand. Work can be this demanding sometimes.

Futhermore, Health does suffer with erratic work schedule and that has kinda restricted my 'Going extra mile' abilities. I won't make another promise about regular updates or something. But I expect that end of February would bring me some time. I will try my best to update in March, Hopefully in first week of March itself. *Not trying to Jinx it*

Thank you for putting up with me. I don't know how to revert such patience and love. I read your messages and I am sorry that I reply so late. I shall compensate with some worthy updates soon.

Love and more love

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