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"Not another one," Manik took away the glass from Nandini's hand she tried to sip another glass of wine. 

"We are not supposed to get drunk till we are here," He added to cut her glares. 

She looked miffed, perplexed, done and what not. She looked away then back at Manik. 

"What kind of party is this?" She whined. 

"I mean who just drink one glass of wine when they call it 'Cocktail hour'," She added with a frown. 

"This is an army thing," Manik stated with pride. 

"No wonder Daadu has developed habit of stealing liquor," Nandini murmured and Manik's proud smile turned into an embarrassed one. 

Some sound across the hall drew their attention and they saw everyone moving towards dinner area. 

"Let's have a mechanical dinner now," Nandini faked an excitement and Manik shook his head. 

"She has read the program," Manik murmured to himself before following her. 

Manik held her hand before she could run to choose her favorite spot and waited for waiter to tell their table number. Waiter showed them their table and She frowned further seeing the neatly arranged table that was far away from the stage. 

"I thought we would get a good place at least," She mocked and Manik started to take dips in pity. 

"I am no officer, Nandini," He stated while she shot him a dagger. 

"I never complained to you," She replied before he could start to feel like a hubby and she would end up feeling like nagging wife. 

"You cadets should protest I tell you," She said with spark of igniting a fire. 

She was hell charged up and that made Manik gulp in fear. He took his seat while some other couple joined them. Seating arrangement was random. 

"Daadu never brought you to any formal event, right?" Manik asked to confirm his doubts about her weird behavior. 

"He could never take the risk," She answered with that devil smile of hers. 

"Yeah, only I am that fool," He murmured to himself.  

Food got served. 

Guest of honor who was sitting with high ranked officers on a grand table at very front of area gave a brief speech and that's how dinner started. It went as a quiet business as nobody had much to talk or complaint. Soon their glasses got filled with wine as dinner got over. 

Manik leaned to reach Nandini's ear and whispered, "Have patience with this one. It would get over soon if you don't fret too much." He settled back while Nandini couldn't get what he had just said. She looked at him all perplexed. 

"She didn't read entire program," He murmured to himself while leaning towards her again. 

"Now the ceremony would start," He whispered to her. 

"Then what were they doing till now?" She asked baffled. Couple sitting with them stared Nandini while Manik just smiled sweetly to them excusing what she had said. 

"Nandini," He murmured with a smile while she threw her hand in air asking what was that. 

"We are gathered here for honoring the services of our brave mates so now the toasts would be made," He informed gently. 

Nandini sighed deep and then crashed in her chair loosely. It was going to be one heck of boring evening. She wondered why everyone including her was so excited. Some opening speech and them more speeches, it reminded her of school days when guests would not just cease to leave the stage. Every time there were applaud in Hall, they raised a toast. She sipped another tiny sip as Manik examined every time she raised the glass to have a sip. She was feeling like a drunkard who was in strict surveillance. It was another rule how you could not finish the glass before all the toasts are made. It was one heck of task.

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