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"Who does that, Manik?" Harshad asked baffled as Manik told him how he told Nandini he likes her. 

"I was just being honest," Manik justified his little adventure, "Besides She said she would be okay if I say something she doesn't like."

"You are a fool," Harshad declared looking at running horses. 

Another day in academy and Manik's tales weren't helping. Exams were over and now they awaited result. 

"She says the same," Manik confessed smiling a bit while gazing the grass beneath. 

Harshad chuckled and looked back at his hopeless friend.

"You are whipped," Harshad remarked while Manik's smile vanished.

"Come on, let's see what is cooking in mess," Harshad threw his arm around Manik's neck and dragged him. 


Nandini tossed on her bed one more time just to angle her thoughts better. 

"That's right," She elated adjusting on big fluffy pillow. 

Song played while she again dived into some very important thought. 

"I like you"

His words played like voice-over and she again tossed on her bed biting her lip. 

Giving up on the mindful way, she sat on her bed thinking about what was so special about his stupid rambling. He kept on saying one or another stupid thing but none of them had ever set her heart on heater. It was like it was mild snowfall outside and her heart was resting under a warm cozy quilt. 

Bad idea! It was a bad idea to fret over those three words said by him. 

Now she could feel this violent urge to see his funny face. She frowned thinking how his face wasn't looking funny to her since few days. 

He now a days was looking like a big ball of cozy fire. Nandini smiled unknowingly. 

She shook her head coming out of having weird analogies. 

What was with the heater and cozy ball of fire? She increased the temperature of room heater thinking she must be feeling cold. 

Something kicked inside, oh that was that violent urge! Urge to see him! 

"No," She argued. 

It was hardly few hours since she had dropped scared kitten to academy. But then...

"Screw the few hours," She mumbled before jumping out of bed. 

Putting her gumboots to cover her bare legs, she walked out wearing the woolen cap. As she descended the tower, well her room was a fort these days and she believed stairs didn't exist for her family. She looked at her parents as they gaped her amused. 

"Nandiniiiii," Her mother yelled as she passed by them without even saying a hello. 

"Why you even try?" Mr Murthy said reading some business magazine. 

"She is back at wearing long sweaters with no pants," Her mother showed her legit concern. 

Mr Murthy didn't nudge while Rishi rolled his eyes. 

"It's okay, mom," He replied negating Mrs Murthy's not so modernized thoughts. 

Mrs Murthy decided to be quiet, there had to be no way Rishi should feel he was somewhere very primitive. 


"Oh please, academy is not a place to wear such cloths," Manik argued with Nandini as she drove on curvy roads. 

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