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Dropping her home, he was driving back to check post. His mind was nothing less than a parliament house as debate inside was loud and brutal. A battle was on how she could actually end all of this just by being in front of her. Was it all that stupid to end like that? He hit the horn angrily. Trying to ignite his gone anger, he had beaten his calm mind for being so easy. But truth couldn't be changed. She was the one who made him all agitated and she was the one who calmed him down. Same girl had all the might to play his mind and he needed to understand that it wasn't her fault. He was feeling relieved somewhere for getting to apologize to her. He was not someone who could behave that rude to any lady and then live with it. But then what to do with this stubborn part which was instigating him to carry on this agitation. He was changing and he knew it. He was angry because of that same change and she wasn't letting him take control. Shouldn't he be more angry but why then she shushed all his ifs and buts.  He sighed deep as he reached the check post. He saw Harshad grumpily walking around. 

"One more idiot to handle," Manik mumbled and got down. 

Nandini on other hand entered the house quietly and as she tried to take the stairs, she heard familiar cough. 

"Good to see you alive," Daadu taunted and she closed her eyes. 

She mumbled something under her breath as she walked to Daadu who was sitting in his cozy rocking chair. 

"You can abuse me in face," He taunted further and she huffed angrily. 

"I wasn't cursing," She clarified acutely. 

"Who dropped you home?" He asked further inquiring. 

"No one. I drove myself home," She lied boldly. 

"I can smell an army jeep like a sniffer dog," Daadu answered with a smirk.

"Was that Manik?" He asked being a bit excited. 

"Kind of," She answered absentmindedly trying to hold her torn trouser. 

"What kinda liaison you two were having?" Daadu asked terrified looking at her cloths. 

"Don't get ideas," Nandini warned him as he tried to run horses of his imagination. 

"That idiot can't do a thing properly," She said trying to fight with her torn pant. Daadu sighed aloud and he sounded shocked. 

"Good night," She bade angrily and stomped away. 

"This sounds interesting," Daadu exclaimed and smiled wickedly. 


Two days later 

Situation was under control as military had hunted down the intruders. Normalcy was returning to academy as well as town. Town had hardly suffered except for tight surveillance. Cadets had contributed in maintaining peace in town in past two days whereas skilled officers had cleaned the borders completely. Life was expected to return to normal that morning. 

"Wake up, Manik," Harshad tenderly tapped Manik's shoulder. Manik smiled in sleep and Harshad could just smile wider.


Harshad grimed as he realized how stupid it was. Last two days were certainly odd when it came to Manik. He wasn't a hulk anymore. He wasn't blasting people around. He was calmer as if finally had scored. Harshad bit his own tongue even when his thought wasn't aloud. He ruffled Manik's hair and gave up. A smile played on his lips seeing his buddy smiling carefree in his sleep. 

"I promise I won't even shout on you," Manik mumbled and then snuggled more into his pillow. 

Harshad heard his ramblings as he folded his bed. 

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