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Smiling in his deep slumber, Manik clutched the pillow in his arms tighter. Harshad tapped on his shoulder to wake the sleeping beauty but all in vain. Manik turned his face other way and struggled to continue his sweet dream.

"We still have a year left," He mumbled and smiled more.

"No, you have half an hour left," Harshad replied folding his arms across his chest.

"No, it's a year," Manik protested and Harshad pursed his lips to rein his laughter.

"But Manik, no academy allows a year bunk, honey," Harshad tried to speak like a girl. Manik chuckled in his sleep and then snored.

"You are so funny, Nan..," He mumbled and then snores took over.

"I am funnier with your eyes open, sweetheart," Harshad uttered sweetly and caressed Manik's arm.

"Don't touch me," Manik flinched in sleep and then pouted, "I feel weird."

"Do you feel ...," Harshad leaned in and whispered in Manik's ear, "HOT?"

Manik chuckled and hid his face in pillow.

"I feel...I feel," Manik started to say but left it incomplete every time.

"You feel?" Harshad asked tracing Manik's face with his finger.

"I feel..strange," Manik answered uncertain.

"You shouldn't lift guns," Saying it Manik grabbed Harshad's hand and Harshad gasped.

"You hands have turned so hard and rough," He added and Harshad struggled to get out of his grip.

"And big too," Manik mumbled further while Harshad scowled at his words.

"WAKE UP, Romeo," Harshad yelled hearing Manik's intimate talks.

Manik got up with a jerk trying to understand the urgency.

"What happened?" He asked rubbing his eyes. Manik left Harshad's hand as he noticed how cozily he had held Harshad's hand in his.

"Why are you so close?" Manik panicked and got off the bed.

Harshad shook his head at level of ignorance. Standing up, he looked around.

"Guys," He drew everyone's attention and added, "Stay away from this man and his dreams. He is holding anything these days."Everyone laughed and Manik flushed.

""Shut up, Harshad," Manik mumbled gathering his towel from table.

"Get ready, gone case. You have 20 minutes before assembly," Harshad informed and Manik panicked. Running out of door, he cursed each of those who teased him in way.


Standing under hot shower, Manik smiled again thinking of her. He could do that now all day. No matter, it was just 10 minutes before assembly or 8 degrees outside; He could go on and on with that smile. He had no rein over his heart anymore, it was like a young horse who had found his mare. He smiled biting his lips on how he had just drawn an analogy about horses. She loved Horses, he smiled wider.

"Come out, Manik," Harshad banged the door.

"Coming," Manik came out of his sweet reverie and washed all the bubbles he had formed on his head.


"Where is your mind these days, Manik?" Major Khan yelled at him as he got caught drawing random things on notebook rather than taking notes.

"Do you have any idea how bad it feel seeing a good boy like you losing interest in curriculum?" Major yelled further. Manik wanted to dig a hole for himself and lie there for behaving in such way.

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