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"A dangerous plan, just this time

A stranger's hand clutched in mine

I'll take this chance, so call me blind

I've been waiting all my life."

Tucking her hands inside the extra-large sweater Mrs Singh had given her, Nandini descended the stairs. Fumbling with large pajama, she drew the attention of couple with chair creaking as she took support of it. Colonel Singh looked at her weak figure and he didn't know where all the anger flew away. His heart swelled seeing her struggling in her cloths. 

"Why won't you give her something of her size?" He instinctively spoke up. Nandini and Mrs Singh looked at him surprised. Mrs Singh's lips formed a smile as she heard her annoyed husnad speak normal. 

"And who asked you to come down, Nandini? You have fever for God sake," He kept mubling as he got up and reached her. 

Nandini's eyes remained filled with confusion while her face showed no emotions. She was a master in hiding her emotions till the moment she knows she is with right people. 

Nandini's wondering gaze made colonel realized how he had behaved something very contrasting of his stand. He looked here and there before he composed himself. 

"I meant you are a guest and you are sick, you shouldn't have come down," He said in a low tone when he tried hard to sound miffed. 

"I am better now," Nandini murmured and walked past him without paying any further heed. 

"I was hungry," She spoke out and Mrs Singh who was busy glaring her husband looked at the girl. 

"Come, beta," She uttered tapping the seat next to her. 

"I have made Aloo parantha for you," She said serving her the steaming hot food. 

"Your cloths are coming. I mean your brother is coming here with them," She said in elation as she saw Nandini eating her food without any hesitation. 

None spoke as breakfast went on. Colonel Singh was long gone to his duty. Mrs Singh kept stealing glances of Nandini as she didn't speak or look at her this entire time. A worry started to eat Mrs Singh's head that what if Nandini wasn't feeling home there. She knew Nandini hardly let people in. She was choosy that way. Frowns on her face turned deeper as she pondered. She wanted to be there for that kid. It had been two days since Nandini's family had visited. Her mother didn't call again but her grandpa called twice a day. Manik had come and gone between his drills. Colonel's new orders were taking a toll on poor boy. Nandini had kept herself to her room till last night. Mrs Singh was somewhere happy that she had come down today. But still, it was hard to read her mind. 

"I haven't eaten this delicious food in a long time," Nandini's voice brought her out of her thoughts. 

"Thanks Aunty," She murmured taking another parantha from basket. 

Mrs Singh smiled as every doubt flew away. 

"I think I should make some more," She said and got up. 

"No, I am full. It's just me being greedy," Nandini said pointing towards half eaten parantha in her plate. 

Both giggled and discomfort flew out of the window. It wasn't very difficult being normal after all. 

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