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She came and didn't even stay.

Manik fretted over last night's visit of Nandini. Sounds of spoons were only background noise as he tried to depict her face. She looked so stressed out and he wasn't a fool who won't know what that frown was about.

"I swear, Manik. I won't go if you are gonna do this," Harshad broke his trance.

"Do what? " Manik asked bewildered.

"This," Harshad pointed towards Manik's untouched food. His face could beat any granny.

"I mean, father of your girl threatened you and you got threatened," Harshad tried to fathom Manik's behavior.

"He is her father. I think he has right," Manik murmured playing his fork in his food.

"Wow," Harshad exclaimed looking at Manik.

"Then listen to her father and don't ever meet Nandini again," He added totally trying to push the right button.

Manik glared Harshad before throwing the tomato on him.

"See," Harshad caught it just to state the obvious, "You can't even stand the thought."

Manik frowned and looked out of window. He needed to see her today at any cost.


Nandini sat by river as she stared into nowhere. Her heart wasn't at peace and she didn't know where to go. Her sanity was screeching to see him but she couldn't see his uncertain face. It would only make her more vulnerable. She had never felt this afraid about anything or anyone. She didn't know why her heart dropped when Manik talked about never coming back. It just made her angry to a limit that she wanted to cry bad. She felt how her eyes had started to fill with this stupid moist again. She kicked the water hard to fight the urge to cry. She hated being this weak.

Getting up, she strode towards her Jeep. She needed to see him.


Manik waved as bus left. Harshad had left for his home as final examination were over and Harshad for sure wasn't excited for results. As he turned around, he saw Nandini's Jeep parked in parking. His heart did a flip and he didn't know whether to dance in happiness or die in anxiety. Meeting her wasn't new but today it was going to be nothing less than a task. Her mood and his fragile heart, combination was made in hell. He walked rapidly inside the admin block to find her and saw door of her office open. He stormed in without even thinking how he couldn't behave that reckless in that block. She wasn't there. As he turned around, door had a yellow note stuck to it.

"Meet me at racecourse NOW"

Manik shook his head at her confidence that how she was sure only he would read the note. He frowned thinking what if someone else had gone there already. He shook his head in relief knowing it was her on other end. She would have chopped the person till now.

"Malhotra," Coach called him and Manik straightened to salute the ranked football coach.

"I want you to play with your seniors in next... " Coach started to speak and then looked at wristwatch.

"Soccer ground in 5," He ended just to crush Manik's high hopes to see Nandini. He frowned as coach left from there. It was curse to be at academy in holidays because almost everyone wanted to fit you in almost everything. He started to walk towards soccer ground with his head hung low.


Nandini ignored the noise of soccer clowns as she completed the 3rd lap on her white furry friend. To her dismay, even horse riding hadn't helped her to calm her agitated senses. Manik was nowhere to be seen. She was already afraid how he had chickened out at first real grill and now wouldn't come out without getting a proper push. She pursed her lips in anger.

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