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Looking at the watch, it indicated 12 O'clock. He hadn't been up this late in a long time. He put his shoes back in rack and started to loose his tie.
"So how was the party?" Samit asked.
Samit was allotted next bed to him in dorm.
"You haven't slept yet?" Manik asked, "Party was good."
Samit got a little excited and came on his elbows while covering his head with bed sheet.
"Did you dance?" He asked like an excited kid.

"Yes I did. A little," Manik answered.

"With a girl?" Samit almost was out of bed.

"Of course Samit, with a girl. What kind of question was that?" Manik replied.

Samit came close to Manik's bed with sheet still on his head.

"I mean, you like... You really held her close," he asked in low but excited tone.

Manik glared at him and he got the hint.

"We are already late. Go to sleep," Manik said and pulled the blanket on him.

Well, he had danced for those few minutes with her. Later, he didn't bother to continue this awkward practice of dance. He just sat by window witnessing marvelous view outside. With few shots of rum, he wholeheartedly celebrated first snow of season. He had never seen it snowing before.

He couldn't read that night as it was late. He believed he could go to sleep. He did but after a little wandering in mind.


All dressed in uniform, he jerked Harshad for 4th time to get up.

"Get up, Harshad," Manik yelled, "You are gonna get late for morning drill."

Samit asked Manik when did Harshad return last night. Manik didn't know himself.
Harshad's name wasn't in list but he still went there, without knowledge of officers. He was synonym to trouble.

"You go on, I am ill," Harshad said in sleepy voice, "I have exerted so much last night. It was so damn exerting. So damn tiring. So damn..... passionate."

He was mumbling in sleep.
Manik understood what he did and where he was last night. He made his hopeless face and left.

After morning drill, Manik had submitted an application for Harshad. His sick leave had been accepted, all thanks to Manik.

Walking in corridor, he heard Colonel Singh calling his name.
He turned around to see him approaching. He straightened his torso and saluted him.

"At ease, my boy," Mr. Singh said.
He patted his shoulder and both started walking across the corridor.

"So how was the party? Did you enjoy?" He asked.

"It was good, sir," Manik answered briefly.

"I am glad you loosened up a bit," he told, "you know It feels great to see you doing so well."

"Thanks, sir," Manik said.

Silence galore and Mr. Singh let him go.

"This quiet boy. He scares me with his deadly silence," Mr Singh murmured before walking back to his office.
Day went quite eventful as he successfully attended all the classes and drills. Being at peace, he entered the dorm only to witness all boys huddled up near his bed.

"Then what, I just made my way smooothhhhllyyy and Colonel didn't even have a clue," Harshad bragged.
He was telling his last night chronicles to boys. Manik nodded his head being all hopeless in that guy.

"About the girl, hayeeee, she had worn this red gown and that red lip gloss," he said with a lot sighs.
Manik stood by huddle leaving his cloths on bed. Harshad had gotten his attention finally with the kind of description he had knitted.

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