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Nandini covered Colonel's ambassador with a sheet and made sure the old beauty was properly immune to snow. Town was witnessing the heaviest snowfall of the season. Nandini started to walk back to Uncle Bernard's shop and closed the shutter behind. Picking up the land-line, she tried Sahiba's number for nth time to tell her how she would return late as roads were packed with snow. Call didn't connect yet again and she sighed.

Rubbing her palms, she reached for fireplace to get some needed warmth. It was turning insanely cold. Uncle Bernard walked in with a cup of coffee and smiled at her.

"I'll walk home, Nandini," He informed.

"Harlow is home alone and I have to reach home anyhow. Driving home is bad idea in this weather. Besides, my eyesight is turning old for snowy nights," He added adjusting his spectacle.

"Be careful, Uncle," Nandini replied noticing how he was trembling. Old age can be testing. 

"Night guard will be here any minute, just give him keys and go home," Uncle said and then stopped realizing how he had mentioned home. Nandini didn't have a home as per new development. 

He looked at Nandini affectionately and found her totally unaffected. He shook his head and walked out. That girl didn't function normal. She was enough to handle the emotional drama in her life.

Nandini was busy gazing fire. Her head was the new battlefield. Thoughts were wrestling each other to get her attention. Her hand reached her lips and she didn't realize when she was eating her nails. Time had come when she had to worry about tyranny called life. 

Uncle Bernard had agreed to employ her. He was feeling utterly embarrassed not being able to pay her more than Rs 4000 per month. Nandini knew how uncle Bernard hardly earned through this puppy rescue centre. It was a selfless service. 

Earlier, Nandini used to volunteered for it and now she needed it for her livelihood. She was somewhat guilty. She was sure she would find some daytime job once her college was over. She didn't want to put Uncle Bernard in tight spot for long.

Life was staring at her like that fire was glaring her. She had no clue how she was going to do what. She was a lost cause. She sighed and covered her face in her palms. It was better not to think, she guessed.


Winds turned crazier and it became tougher to stay out. It had started as heavy snowfall and now was turning into snowstorm at upper hills. Infantry unit was camping on hilltop for tonight. Weather had turned all the plans of trek futile. Manik brought his hands near fire.

"Your reputation has turned worse than ever," Harshad complained for nth time sitting next to him.

"Shut up, Harshad," Manik was irked.

"Stop complaining like girls," He added annoyed.

His eyes roamed across widely set camp where dim lights shone like embers bright. His mates were tucked in their sleeping bags while he was asked to do the night duty. His officers werenot much happy with him these days. He knew that. He sighed while Harshad cursed him for God knew what while trembling like a leaf.

"Stop overreacting," Manik said glaring him.

"It's just Major Vinod thinks we are capable of the job," He added trying to get some warmth from that flickering fire which could go off any moment.

"Nice joke," Harshad taunted and got up to take a stroll. Exertion could bring more warmth than that dying fire.

Manik looked at upper hills and cursed the weather. Everything and everyone was testing his patience these days. He didn't know what pleasure Gods up there took by making his already stupid life more stupid.

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