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Morning was like this crazy ball with no brake over the energy at all. Academy was no less than mad house with hundreds of dashing boys trying to sound normal when Adrenaline was on another level. Dressing, grooming and a lot of shopping to do; it was occasion to empty the purse. Murthy mansion on other hand was no less than noisy chamber. Nandini had turned the house upside down with all the hustle and bustle, occasion was Ms Murthy trying to find a ball dress. It was first time Mrs Murthy was panicked because Nandini had never sounded this interested in dolling up. She had to call all her designer friends, thanks to a hyperactive daughter. She had never seen Nandini this excited about any social event. Entering her room, she sighed aloud seeing the mess Nandini had created. Throwing another gorgeous dress in some corner of room, she sat there frowned in middle of her bed. 

"Nandini, you know you are in trouble if your father gets to know you are attending a military event," Mrs Murthy reminded her. 

 "Yes, I do," Nandini replied with whatsoever no worry about it. 

"And what's this mess? Don't tell me you didn't like a single dress?" Mrs Murthy foreboded the upcoming reply. 

"They all are so stupid, Mom," Nandini said and her mother didn't look shocked at all. 

"That's why I never call my designer friends. You insult all of them," Her mother said collecting dresses from floor. 

"They call for it," Nandini replied ever so casually and walked into bathroom. 


Manik paid for a black suit in town's best suit shop. He fidgeted with the shopping bag as he moved out of shop. Harshad followed him as they both head towards the next shopping stop. It was beyond abnormal for Manik to spend that much on him. It was first time he had withdrawn that big amount from his account and if he was asked, that felt very weird. 

"Why are you behaving like a girlfriend?" Asked Manik as Harshad frowned further. 

"You never told me that you are rich," Harsahd complained. 

"I am not rich," Manik stated while Harshad gave him unforgiving look. 

"That cash you paid for costliest suit back at shop, I certainly didn't pay for that," Harshad countered. 

"That cash belongs to my parents," Manik replied lowly and Harshad had to let go of his little drama. 

"You always shut me up and that's totally unfair," He whined and stomped ahead of Manik. He didn't want to drag matter further after mention of Manik's parents. He never had talked about them and Harshad assumed he didn't want to. 

Day went in a jiffy and Manik still had to deliver invitation basket to Nandini. That champagne bottle was so dear to his ever so mad partner that he couldn't risk not delivering it. He looked at watch and it was still an hour left to report at academy. He dialed Murthy's number from public booth and it was picked by some servant.  

"Sir," Servant called Daadu. 

"There is some Manik Malhotra on phone," He informed and Daadu's face lit up like a bulb. 

Taking receiver from servant's hand, Daadu chirped, "Manikkk."

"Daadu!" Manik sighed as he heard Daadu's voice. 

"Is Nandini around?" he asked and Daadu looked around to find that jumpy girl. 

"She was just hopping around a few minutes back but now she is nowhere to be seen," Daadu replied. 

"Can I come over?" Manik asked a bit apprehensive. 

"Of course son, you never need permissions," Daadu replied lovingly and Manik smiled nervously. 

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