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"So how's it going?" Asked Mrs Singh serving Manik another Parantha. 

Colonel Singh raised his eyes to glare Manik and Manik gulped the half chewed morsel unable to handle the situation. 

"What's going?" He asked lowly. 

"Your training and exams," Mrs Singh explained and Manik sighed in relief. 

His life recently had been nothing more than huffs and puffs. He has started to believe that his heart might over-speed and crash if he doesn't quit taking anxiety. 

"It's going too well for him to stay focused,"  Colonel Singh taunted and Manik closed his eyes. 

"There's nothing like that, sir," Manik tried to explain but Colonel Singh closed the case banging spoon on table. 

"Don't mind him. He is annoying when he doesn't get to sleep," Mrs Singh said patting Manik's back. 

"He has shooed away my sleep, Sahiba," Colonel said aloud. 

"Do you love her?" He asked cutting the chase. Both Manik and Mrs Singh sighed aloud at audacity. 

 "Sardar ji," Mrs Singh tried to intervene. 

"No. Let him face it, Sahiba," Colonel said sincerely. 

"Speak up, boy," Colonel yelled and Manik put the morsel in his hand down. 

"I don't know yet," Manik murmured and Colonel mumbled some curses unable to believe. 

"He doesn't know, Sahiba," He said dramatically. 

"And he made girl's father so offended that he had to call me," Colonel said furiously. 

"Calm down, Singh," Sahiba yelled to control a shouting Colonel. Manik pushed the chair behind and walked out of room as fast as he could. There was too much blood rushing into his system and before he blanks out, he needed some fresh air. 

"What's wrong with you?" Asked a baffled Mrs Singh. 

"How can you yell at poor boy for not figuring his feelings?" She asked sternly.

"When you were his age, you didn't even dare to look my way," She taunted and Colonel gazed the plate on table. 

"Madhav is my friend, Sahiba. Nandini is his daughter," Colonel said calmly after a needed pause.  

"And we both know Manik is a good boy," Mrs Singh retorted, still angry. 

"Go talk to him," Mrs Singh said giving Colonel no other choice and walked inside the kitchen. 


Manik strode towards nowhere trying to get away from gush of anxiety. Entering the stable without even caring about timing and he finally halted beside a horse. Caressing its muzzle, he breathed deep to be in control of his mind. It was not the moment to run away but it was the moment to face it. Putting his head on horse's muzzle, he closed his eyes. First face which flashed in front of his eyes was of hers. She was giggling looking at him and he felt his lips making a curve. 

"What's it?" He mumbled, his eyes still closed. 

Horse neighed a bit and nuzzled into Manik's neck. Manik patted it thoroughly hearing horse's plead. 

"She loves you," He whispered to Horse. 

"Seems like she was right in doing so. You calmed me down," He said holding horse's chin. 

He neighed further and Manik stroked him thoroughly.

Standing there for minutes, he didn't feel need to be agitated anymore. He was calm being in embrace of her thoughts. 

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