Better off dead chapter 1

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Franks POV

Great. Just fucking great isn't it?

My life is a flipping downward spiral descending into the depths of hell and I am a joke. I have no hope in this hell hole they call public school.

I approached the school gates and who else but Daniel and James would be stood there waiting for me?

Nobody, because nobody gives a flying fuck about the bisexual emo fag that is me, frank iero.

My lonely existence and awkward tendencies have led to only two people acknowledging my life: the school bullies, Daniel and James.

"Alright fag?" James chuckled as I slipped my earphones in.

All I needed right now was to hear their pathetic insults and I would snap. I have taken their crap too long.

"Hey emo wanna help me kill myself?" Daniel shouted whilst throwing a bottle off me as I passed by them.

I pondered about shouting "Id rather pump you with bullets" back to them but the message would never sink in. They would still hate me.

Ive never even considered suicide before but round here if you even try to listen to something that isn't in the charts you are most obviously a weak piece of shit that doesn't matter to anybody.

"Just ignore them frank..." I repeated to myself as I focused on not attacking them right this second.

The only reason I didn't try and hurt them was because I would only be embarrassing myself. I failed gym three years in a row and had the height of a fourteen year old girl.

I carried on walking past the cliques until I reached my homeroom and waited outside the door, waiting for the bell to go so that I could enter.

Goddamn it everybody had a clique except me. I mean there was the jocks (consisting of Dan, James and their jock buddies), the popular ones (made up of rich bastard boys and girls who I am sure are at least fifty percent makeup). Besides these two main groups there were the goths, the crazies and confusing mash ups of them all.

There was one person however who didn't have a clique. That was me. I had nobody. There's was not a designated group for the loners with bad music taste, dyed contrast hair, wore makeup and had nobody who cared for them. That was because I was the only one.

"Duuuuuurrrrrrrrrr..." The monotone drone of the school bell rang allowing my access to my home room. I was always the first here.

The teacher wasn't even here yet.

With a quick selection progress I chose my seat, furthest back and my back against the wall, and slumped over to it kicking out a leg and throwing myself at it practically.

"Morning frank!" Mrs stringman faked a smile and dropped her pile of marking on to the desk were her computer was.

"Morning..." I mumbled almost to myself. She didn't care, nobody cared remember.

It had its perks though, or at least moments of brief happiness as a result of my loneliness. One of though 'moments of brief happiness' was basically getting too do whatever the hell I want.

My dad didn't care how I did at school, my teachers had given up and now let me listen to music and nobody tried to stop me from it because that's why they hate me.

One of my key life lessons would totally be that people always need something to moan about and vent abuse.

I was the metaphorical punching bag in this school.

As the usual idiots poured into the room I sighed.

"Day in day out..." I laughed silently to myself.

Just after the five minute mark the room was finally silent, bar the few hushed convosations, and three detentions had already been given out to Daniel (who was unfortunate enough to be in my presents) and two of his weird ass 'friends'.

"Ten more minutes left..." I continued to whisper to myself.

I slumped back in my chair as I lifted my hood and increased the volume of my earphones but not loud enough to not notice the door fly open...

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