Better off dead chapter 31: let me be the one to save you.

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(A/N: no matter what happens in this chapter this is not the end of the story okay so stick around, from this point on shit gon be cray cray... Sorry, also I don't usually name chapters but I named this one and I might go back after I've finished this and name some of them...)

Franks POV

"Bye! Be safe! Don't do anything Grandma wouldn't do! Bye!" Gerard practically sang from the living room window as I stood in the main door way and to waved him as he pulled away, driving back to New Jersey.

"I really like Mikey, he's just like you! Wait-no I m-mean he's kinda like you but you know..." I began but trailed off, stumbling over my choice of words as I ran to the living room to see no Gerard.

Boi where you be hiding?

"You mean just like me but without the fangs? Yeah I get that a lot when I'm in Jersey." He laughed, waltzing into the room from the kitchen holding two cups of coffee.

We need to slow down on the coffee, this is our like fourth cup in an hour.

"Yeah, he's really cool but he kinda reminds me of a spider in like a weird wa-" he cut me off mid sentence, handing me the cup and speaking.

Probably a good thing, I was comparing his brother to a spider.

It's all in the legs.

"Are you- wait no... Are- do you s-still want to do this Frank?" He tried to smile, but his worry still seeped through.

I could trust him to do this, right?

There's only one way to find out and if I'm wrong it's not like ill be surviving long anyways...

"I'm sure, you even said it yourself... She'll leave me and you alone when we show her that ill always be yours and that nothing will change that. If you don't change me you're fuelling the fire, she'll just keep thinking that you'll get back with her if she kills me off or whatever her fucked up plan is and you're making things worse for me too... The more time I spend like this, the more I doubt everything, I know this is the only thing that can save us from her and me, if I don't change she'll make me drag our life into the ground..." I sipped my coffee, looking up to him and trying to be calm as I could see the trembling hands and shaky breaths he was having.

I want too trust you Gerard, don't make this hard for me.

"Okay, you're right, I can do this. We can do this. But when do you want to do it?" He questioned, calming himself as he sat beside me on the sofa.

Well there's a question.

Theoretically speaking he just asked me when I wanted to die.

So when do I want to die?

"Tonight... Before we sleep, wait will we be able to sleep?" I half laughed, feeling more tense by the questions that seemed to be perfectly timed in sips of coffee.

"Of course we'll be able to sleep, if everything goes well but we should do it sooner so we both have the chance to calm down... After all, it's not everyday I try to give somebody my toxins before theatrically killing them..." He smiled, looking down to me, as he placed a featherlight kiss to my cheek.

"Give it an hour..." He smiled into the kiss.

"I love you Gee..."

"I love you too Frank... Don't ever forget that, no matter what..."

~one hour later~

"It depends, if I just drained you, you would die. But if You consumed more of my toxins and then i drained you, when your normal blood was gone the toxins would heal you in the only way they know..." He finished explaining to me for the second time how this was all going to work, as we sat outside in an unknown location on the floor after walking for about three blocks.

"Remind me again why we have to be on the floor in the middle of a field when we do this?" I laughed, trying to calm my nerves as I lay back and looked up at the stars.

"There's going to be a lot of blood and I ain't cleaning that shit up, I'll drink it but there ain't no hope that I'm cleaning it, especially not from the carpets that would takes days because it stains like a bitch..." He smirked, arranging the supplies he had brought along with him to do this.

"Okay I get it, so just take me through what all this is for and we can get started..." I sat up, mesmerised by the way the starlight light up his features.

I'm glad this boy came and sat on the school bathroom floor with me while I cried the first day we met.

"Okay... So, you're gonna drink some of my blood which is basically all toxins and we'll let them get in your system. Then ill drain you completely, except for the last parts that will be left which will be the toxins... Then you'll die... But because you have my toxins they'll bring you back in the only way they can, they will fix you Frank, I promise..." He dropped the blade he was holding and held my arm tightly to his chest, staring right into my eyes.

"You won't need anymore of this baby... I'm going to be the reason you know it's all real..." He cooed, gently rubbing his fingertips over the cuts I had made.

"I'm ready..." Was all I could manage, as I watched him grab the blade and hold it close to his wrist.

"You don't have to speak babe, ill talk you through this..." He smiled, as he continued to speak in the very calming manner. "Because I'm mostly toxins my blood comes out much slower, I can catch it I'm this glass..." He breathed, gesturing to the small glass.

Small enough to not make me pass out but big enough to make me want to vomit.

Ill have to drink that much blood.

Carelessly dragging the blade over his skin and looking reassuringly to me, he reached for the glass and held it parallel to his cut as the small drips landed consistently in the glass.

"Okay frank, I'm gonna need you to get that gauze for me and wrap this up..." He breathed in shakily, as he caught the last few drops I would need.

Taking away the cup and being careful with his wrist, I lifted his arm onto my leg where the gauze lay as I slowly wrapped it around, applying all the pressure where it was needed. Gritting his teeth and hissing slightly as me moved, Gerard held up the glass and passed it to me.

"Drink it slowly, it's rich and it'll make you sick if you drink it all at once too quickly..." He weakly smiled as I pressed the cup to my lips.

Taking the first sips of the liquid was the most unpleasant experience of my life so far, speaking of tastes. The thick red liquid ran slowly down my throat, becoming a slight choking hazard because of the fact this was like drink the worlds worst extra thick yoghurt.

"There..." I whispered, passing him the emptied glass and using every fibre of my being to not projectile vomit all over this field.

"That was so good Frankie, now we wait for a little..." He smiled, still gripping on his wrist and holding one of my hands, his complexion paler that usual as he watched me drink the toxins.

Whilst sitting in the comfortable silence with him and looking up at the stars I was left to my own thoughts as he was with his.

I had realised two things.

Number one being: this whole thing has shocked me and now my thoughts are pretty clear compared to the normal nightmarish mess.

And number two being: Pretending's so comfortable.

Just lying here, pretending that this was normal was so comfortable. In my head right now we were the only people in existence, nobody was after us, Gerard was normal, I was normal, that black and hopeless feeling was gone and for a brief moment that was our destiny and the world wasn't after us. I took comfort in that.

"We can do this now Frank, it's time..." He cooed, as we sat up in the field as I let out a nod and a shaky breath.

I was ready.

Show me I was right.

Show me she was wrong.

Show me I can trust you.

Show me that you love me over everything else...

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